Kindness includes being kind to yourself. The father gave the diamond ring to the third prince saying that the best thing to do is to show kindness to the enemy. We will not be kind to others because it is our duty, but because we want others to be as kind as we are to them. Be kind not because of karma, not because every unkind act will boomerang back to you. Firstly, and perhaps most frequently, in showing kindness to others. A so called good person also has negative attributes inside him and a person who is branded as being bad also shows good qualities inside him. Today's theme of our morning assemblies is kindness and kindness, we are all in our own special way. Registered charity No. 208925. Short Speech On Smile. Why dont we go together? Consciously recognise all the positive things about yourself. Pay someone a compliment. Thus it makes it a place where a cut-throat competition is the way of world. They lead by example and usually are trendsetters, for they are courageous and motivated enough to do good without any external poking or reminding. Hey! A helper in our house has got a problem; we instantly help her with whatever it takes. The family that took care of them when they were little toddler and served them, every happiness they wished for. The importance of kindness. He would be possessed with poor management skills making him unable to sustain the class in a smooth manner. This form of a short speech is helpful for students in grades 4-7 who can deliver a 3-minute speech based on the points covered here. When it is their turn to take care of their own parents or grandparents, the current generation could be seen stepping back from their responsibilities. Importance of Kindness Speech | By Harshith | Public Speaking |#PublicspeakingInstagram: It is the scenarios or occurrences of events that change a person and make him good or bad. It does not even require any material gesture; all you have to do is speak kindly to an animal and stroke its head, and you will have earned a loyalty fiercer than anything you have ever known. We are bound by this invisible thread of oneness. | World Kindness Day is the perfect opportunity to pause and reflect on what we mean when we talk about kindness. Kindness is important because it has a way of touching the human heart as no other action can. My old 2001 Oxford Dictionary of English defines kindness as the quality of being friendly, generous and considerate. Saunders's advice to the class of 2013 went viral after The New York Times reprinted his speech later that summer. Parents bring up their children with lots of love, affection and care. Ethan is able to become the best version of himself by . No one is born happy, but all of us are born with the ability to create happiness. Today I am here to give a speech on kindness. It has given us sunshine, fruits and vegetables to eat, a place to live, air to breathe, water to survive, etc. Let me help you. George Saunders talks about the importance of kindness in his commencement address. When someone does us a kindness, we feel connected and more willing to cooperate with them. And may be you need some help and the other person readily furnishes. The strength to kindness is infinite. Few things will make you as happy and as secure as having a wagging tail accompany you on the lonely stretch of road from your car to the gates of your apartment. 3) Discipline in life helps us to improve our habits and personality. In my work as a therapist I often come across two distinct ways in which kindness manifests itself. It ultimately fosters respect and better emotional ties. Good morning to one and all! And this has led to a world full of misery and want. That is the care and kind attention we give to elders and our parents. These are some very common and usual ways of helping others. And I have chosen to tell you about being kind. I would like to speak about the importance of education which is a must to know by all of us. One act of kindness helps to go through the toughest of the tough times. The people in need of kindness are the ones who are in great distress, and usually have nowhere to look to. Lets not cut down trees to make way for big complexes, lets allow them to survive in their own way to preserve greenery around. This person may be someone who has just gotten transferred to a radically different linguistic state that he does not understand or may be a tourist who has lost his way, or it just may be your driver or a colleague. Being kind helps boost the immune system, reduce blood pressure and reduce stress and anxiety. I cant express how much it helped - its enabled us to live a life. Wayne Dyer. Tea yes, but somehow your feet freeze when you move towards the door to pick up the newspaper. As the Dalai Lama said, Be kind whenever possible. Changing the way you look at kindness can change your thinking of kindness. If we stop at just feeling bad for the poor creature, then we offer our share of sympathies, kindness does not exist there. Kindness, it is that one quality that puts us apart from other mammals, it makes us human. Imagine making great relationships when you are friendly with new people! Internet is the biggest example of all the goodness that is there around. If we have a positive attitude towards life, we are of the thought that things will work out. First of all, it depends on the upbringing of kids at home. Soon this world will become a better place to live. There is some basic quality in the fabric of our life, without them we can not just imagine ourselves being. Honesty in Your Relationship Isn't Always the Best Policy, Kids Who Read Out Loud to a Dog See Improved Literacy, What to Do When Eating Disorders and Obesity Coexist, 4 Lessons Learned from Long-Term Grieving. Youll feel better for it. Beware the danger of comparisons. If you have a pet you take care of, you will be aware of how secure it feels on silent nights in a lonely apartment. I am a journalist, husband, father and human . There are many ways to be kind and . Imagine a world without kindness and you will realize that it is a place no better than hell. The importance of Kindness. Reviewed by Lybi Ma. So, one can be friendly and yet not kind, or both generous and considerate but not kind. In George Saunders speech, "Failures of Kindness", he conveys the deeply rooted societal issue, that everyone is inherently selfish and has failed in kindness, but as you grow as a person, so will your heart and compassion. It is one quality that is possessed by big-hearted people only. I am called here today to address you and share with you my thoughts on a very important quality Kindness. Its only for us to recognise there is an opportunity for us to be kind. Kindness is also about telling the truth in a gentle way when doing so is helpful to the other person. When we do something nice for someone, we cultivate trust, and we feel good about ourselves . 1. "Kindness is a sign that deaf people can understand and blind people can see." Adolescence is an action, which spreads joy, pleasure without boundaries, universal joy. Hence, kindness comes into picture, when situations are handled with ease, with good thinking and a positive attitude. Its only though a painful sight that humans can understand that something is wrong with them. There are many ways to be kind and many opportunities to practice. If we talk about the ones in the villages, and disadvantaged lot, there the life is toughest. So the need to teach children to be kind is still not over. That is the care and kind attention we give to elders and our parents. Hello everyone, I am here to present a speech on Kindness. Teamwork is the work of a group working toward a shared goal. Receiving accurate feedback in a loving and caring way is an important part of a trusted . And yet, how often do we really stop to consider what we are really talking about when we use it? At dark times, kindness is like a light shown for you and that light makes the bleaker things brighter. Good morning to each and every one of you here. We need to be more connected to the real world and receptive. It is always possible. Kindness is caring about others and doing things to help make their lives better. Please respect the Principal, the instructors, and my close pals. Kindness releases feel-good hormones. It is a series of good deeds that will be spread everywhere. In my heart I thanked him again, this time for an invaluable lesson I had learnt. He argued that sympathy and caring for others is instinctual (DiSalvo, Scientific American, 2017). 4. In fact, the more the population migrates from one part of the world to another, the more the racism they keep facing on a daily basis. The commencement . Whatever the case may be, the bottom line is that you will be doing her an immense favor by buying her the ticket, and you will leave in your wake a grateful heart that will want to stay in touch with you. Your email address will not be published. Be generous with yourself and do things just for you. Stress and anxiety leads to a prematurely aging skin, an unhealthy heart, and high blood pressure. In beautiful words from John Joseph Powell , It is an absolute human certainty that no one can know his own beauty or perceive a sense of his own worth until it has been reflected back to him in the mirror of another loving, caring human being., Speech on Self Discipline and its Importance, Women Empowerment Speech | Best Speech on Womens Empowerment in English for Students, Speech on Importance of Teacher in Our Lives for Students, Teachers Day Speech : Best Speech Ideas For Students In English, Welcome Speech In English: Guest Introduction, How to Welcome Chief Guest, Vote of Thanks Speech For Farewell Party: Thankyou Speech for farewell Party, Farewell Speech | Best Farewell Speech Samples and Templates (Free download), Farewell Speech, Check Best Farewell Speech Samples and Templates (Free download), Speech On Drug Abuse | Drug Abuse Speech for Students and Children in English, Short Speech on Goods and Services Tax (GST). Most of us humans are kindhearted, empathizing people. Kindness brings with it an ability to not be judgmental, which instantly makes you better suited in any social situation. So this time you may be the one at the receiving end. Frustrated Women and Hopeful Men: Is There a Connection? Let us contrast this with another teacher, who is well trained and has the abilities and experience to handle any given class. 17 th February - 22 nd February is Random Acts of Kindness Week, a time where it's even more encouraged to do something nice for someone else (or yourself!).. 4) Discipline directs us to adopt right principles and become successful in our life. All these wonderful successful people have left a legacy for us to follow, that to with great pride. Can I help you with your load aunt? We should have compassion and kindness towards other fellow human beings, towards Mother Nature, towards pets, towards other creatures in our environment. Good Manners Speech: Good manners play a vital role in shaping the personality of children. I am ABC and today I stand before you to present a speech on the importance of friendship. Kindness dwells in the heart and is reflected on ones face. Required fields are marked *, All Rights Reserved Copyrights @ 2020 If you are kind enough to buy a ticket for a stranger on the bus who has lost her purse, you will not only help her out of an immediate financial predicament, you will save her from a lot of embarrassment. Once we master it, it has a way of bestowing us with a dose of happiness that very few things in life can. With his gentle wisdom and disarming warmth, Saunders manages to dissolve . Before getting off the Metro I thanked him and he said, Pay it forward, do not thank me. I asked him what he meant. Being kind is a simple act of doing well unto others, and the person who benefits most from it, is the person who helps. Kindness, whether it is expected or unexpected, has the power to ultimately change one's outlook on life. He said, When you meet someone who needs help, do not hesitate, and think of it as a repayment of gratitude towards this simple act. The courage to give and receive truthful feedback is a key component of growth and flexible thinking. Important thing to learn is that if the day comes to an end with the moon in the sky, so will the night when there is sunrise again. You dropped your lunch box. It sends shivers down my spine, even at the thought of it. Mommy packed some extra sandwiches.. The topic of my speech is Kindness to animals. Because positive attitude attracts more positive, unlike any other situation where opposites are said to attract and similar things repel. And then ask them to do the same. Foothold (The Institution of Engineering and Technology Benevolent Fund) a company limited by guarantee. Nothing in this life is permanent, except death. A little bit if kindness will go a long way in making you feel good each day about yourself, and that in turn will alleviate your stress levels to a considerable degree. We must behave with others as we want them to behave with us. To be around such people is always a blessing, as there is a lot to learn from them. We should have lots of love, compassion and respect for the elders. Doing good for somebody without expectation of any favor in return is Kindness. Parents bring up their children with lots of love, affection and care. This isnt selfish, its necessary. Similarly if there is a difficult situation one is facing, then there must be some way that they can be pulled out of it. Despite globalization, we see people becoming more and more intolerant about other races, castes, creeds, and colors. Receiving accurate feedback in a loving and caring way is an important part of a trusted relationship. Even for things like, details of composition of medicines, its salts are readily available on our fingertips. They're an organization promoting a kinder . What is kindness? Kindness is usually considered to be a very friendly behaviour . Note: Thanks to reader Harvey Freedenberg, who originally told me about this speech. Similarly, if you are kind to your employees, you will have no problem in retaining them, and that will save you a lot of money and hassle. The more experienced and happy your employees are, the more efficiently your business will be run. Look deep down inside your heart and you will know. Do you notice when people could use a helping hand? But we can all pledge and change the situation for the better. And to some the only way to put up with the difficulties of life is to be harsh and unkind and shrewd to others. Awareness without action cant be kind. For instance, if you make an allowance or a special discount for one of your customers in dire need, that will earn you that customer . As they start ageing, their kids become powerful and wear their parents shoes. Speech On Kindness: Kindness is an act of a human being that comes from within. Showing kindness to others does not have to mean doing something big or life changing. Kindness comes out of love, pure and genuine concerns. Good Morning to all my dear friends and colleagues! You fell down from the swing. After seeing the pup in this state, if we offer some help, we go to exhibit kindness towards it. The right and loving attitude to other people can be defined. We should be fortunate to see ourselves amidst elders and parents and act kindly with them. Employee engagement has rightly become a complex endeavor in leading organizations. Very large text size. This belief is enough to help us gain confidence that we can help others come out of their distress. They look for opportunity to serve and help. People who are soft hearted, mild, gentle natured, harsh, rude, violent, calm, outgoing, introverts etc. If this is not kindness what is? And each effort counts! How to get investors to fund your application, Digital Marketing Fundamentals for Newbies, The Importance of Mental Health on Overall Health, why we need mental health essay psychologist, Importance of osmosis in living organisms essay. Unfathomable, isnt it? Lockdown showed us that people are hardwired to be kind to one another. Here are the easiest lines on kindness for class 1, 2, and 3. A person you have never met before and you get discussing about each other. All this happens when she tries to do many things at the same time and feels the need of a helping hand to support her. Being kind does not involve a lot of effort, money or our time. It can hold power for those who help the right and show the truth. Their way to take revenge, an eye for an eye! Kindness is that virtue that is most practiced yet it needs instilling in all of us. 1-Speech on Kindness. We can see many such domestic animals lying wounded on streets waiting for somebody to care for them. Background. It shows the persons ability to deal with the situation. Kindness is the quality that each one of us must cherish and allow to flourish within us. This is the thing depends upon your moral values. We all need no proof of this fact. That is the principle on which the theory of evolution is also probably based on. A person is said to be kind if he is sympathizing, understanding and courteous in his ways and mannerisms. And I have chosen to tell you about being kind. Kind words and kind deeds done by us are not only a boon for the recipient but are also a blessing to us. So people all I am saying is that if I want to live in a better world then I have to work towards it. Where there is happiness, there must be sadness too. Kindness is also about telling the truth in a gentle way when doing so is helpful to the other person. No person is hundred percent good or bad. Pain, sorrows, bad moments are there in everybodys lives. The sooner we realize this the better it is. It will save you some effort & money. For them the humanity comes first. With kindness, comes a deep understanding in our minds that lets us change the thinking we possess. By Sam de Brito. Short Paragraph/Speech on "Kindness to Animals" Complete Paragraph or Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes. Speech 1. We should treat them with respect and have faith in their words. Kindness, it is that a quality that separates us from other mammals, makes us humans. Speech on Kindness for Class 2 is a short speech that teaches students about the importance of being kind to one another. One behaves with another person irrespective of his or her class, caste and gender, then towards tender animals or living beings with a feeling of warmth, care and affection. George Saunders is an American writer and winner of the Man Booker Prize for Fiction for his novel Lincoln in the Bardo. . 2. Importance of kindness speech for 2 minutes. The bell for dismissal rang and Gerald was on his way home. Kindness means being gentle/ caring or generous/ friendly with others. This essay will focus on the style of Saunders' language and on the values he advocates in his speech. Here are just a few simple ways in which you can show yourself a bit of kindness today and every day. A belief is a temporary situation that they are in. 1. The importance of kindness today has become more relevant than it ever was at any point in history. It will bring good omen to the kingdom. First of all, I would like to say good morning to the respected teachers, parents and my dear friends. We rarely get up and see if there is someone who needs help. In Islam, kindness is a very important part of a Muslim's expression of faith. No one wants to be on the second position. Psychology Today 2022 Sussex Publishers, LLC, Source: Photo by Jonas Vincent on Unsplash, 12 Ways Noticing Your Feelings Can Improve Your Life, 4 Questions to Ask for Better Conversations, 10 Unspoken Rules of Dysfunctional Families. If a class or life situation is too much for me to handle, they want to be there for me. With dark evening, gloomy weather, and the optimism of the New Year dying down, the importance of a random act of kindness cannot be understated . Maybe she will be able to attend the very important interview that could make or break her career. I am so happy for this opportunity to deliver a speech on the importance of family values. It is after all kindness that is making this world worth a living place. Kindness is an overlooked personality trait. I give my voice a break and leave you with this thought Do your little bit of good where you are; its those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world. These very beautiful words are by Desmond Tutu, the first black South African Anglican Archbishop of Cape Town, South Africa awarded with Nobel Peace Prize. I Abc (mention your name) feel grateful for the opportunity to speak about kindness. The real reward for a kindness is in the inner positivity, rather than any external reward or recognition. In this day and age, we are living in a world that is plagued by unkindness and misunderstandings. 00441284. EMAIL. The friends circle that we belong to, the kind of company we have with our close circles, our parents, relatives, their behaviors, all cast a very important influence in shaping a persons behavior and characteristics. If we have kindness in our hearts and bear the fact that the fellow riders around us are also fellow sufferers in a similar way as us, then our way of looking at the scenario changes. Kindness Improves Relationships. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Opening your eyes means noticing when others are suffering. Registration No. Whether in the school, or at your office, you are taught to compete, so who has the time to be kind? A very good morning to master toastmasters, fellow toastmasters and the evaluators. Non-judgment we must be prepared to suspend judgment if we want to be truly kind. Kindness costs nothing but it can help to make our planet a happy place to live. The Importance of Kindness: An Animation of George Saunders' Touching Graduation Speech. We may be the catalyst, and help them win. Interestingly, the and indicates that all three of those conditions are required for kindness to be present. Current research supports this idea. He gets the palace garden pond emptied and asks Akbar to command each one to bring a jug full of milk and pour it in the pond at night. Speech - 4. Good morning everyone, respect the Principal, teachers, and my dear friends. In the academic community, kindness is thought to be an attitude that influences achievement because it reduces levels of stress and . 4 Pages. Write a speech in 150-200 . About. Your email address will not be published. It is one . In fact the elders and grown up kids do need to lean to be compassionate. So the need to teach children to be kind is still not over. If I havent bothered myself with feeling empathy for others, and trying to do some good, it certainly does not mean that I am not capable.
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