The effect of inventory management on profitability of cement manufacturing companies in Kenya: A case study of listed cement manufacturing companies in Kenya. It came about from discussions between theAICPA, otheraccountingrepresentatives and the SEC. Also known as SOLEPROPRIETORSHIP. Sitienei, E. and Memba, F. 2015. NYSSCPA news. A person who owns shares of STOCK in aCOMPANY. A person may be held LIABLE for another taxpayer's delinquent taxes if: 1. Payment by a business entity to its owners of items such ascashASSETS, stocks, or earnings. Activity often measured inLABORor machine hours. Under the rules, taxpayers are required tocapitalizethe direct costs and an allocable portion of the indirect costs attributable to real and tangiblepersonal propertyproduced or acquired for resale. Related Papers. Guidelines to which an AUDITOR adheres. INTERESTcost incurred during the time necessary to bring anASSETto the condition and location for its intended use and included as part of theHISTORICAL COSTof acquiring the asset. Investmentcontractsold by aninsurancecompanythat guarantees fixed payments, either for life or for a specified period, to an annuitant. The residualINTERESTin the assets of a business entity that remains after deducting the entitys liabilities. In order to qualify for the EXCLUSION, theCORPORATIONissuing the stock must be a C Corporation (but excluding certaininvestmentcorporations) and it must use at least 80 percent of its assets in active conduct of one or more qualifiedtradeor businesses. Rate of returnthat a business could earn if it chose anotherinvestmentwith equivalentrisk. The questions in a typical accounting role focus on the candidates grasp on the basics of accounting and the ability to put them into practice. Piece oflandand all physical property related to it, including houses, fences, landscaping, and all rights to the air above and earth below the property. Negligenceis the failure to use such care as a reasonably prudent and careful person would use under similar circumstances; it is the doing of some act which a person of ordinary prudence would not have done under similar circumstances or failure to do what a person of ordinary prudence would have done under similar circumstances. 3. PENSIONS, health care, lifeinsuranceand other benefits that are provided by an employer to retirees, their dependents, or survivors. ACORPORATIONwhich, under theINTERNAL REVENUE CODE, is generally not subject tofederal income taxes. Also, the third section of aBALANCESHEET, the other two being assets and liabilities. A validtransferof property from one taxpayer to another without consideration or compensation. Conservatism: If a company could equally use more than one accounting method, the company should use the one that affects the financial statements in the least favorable immediate way. Middleman or distributor who sells mainly to retailers, jobbers, other merchants, and industrial, commercial, and institutional users as distinguished from consumers. PROFITorLOSSresulting from thesaleor other disposal of aSECURITY. A taxpayer's adjusted basis in property is deducted from the amount realized to find the gain or loss on sale or disposition. Civil lawsuits are a market-based remedy for low quality audits and financial reporting failures. Payment for the use or forbearance of money. Rate that decreases as the calculation base increases. The recognition of an expense or revenue that has occurred but has not yet been recorded. Written promise to pay a specified amount to a certain entity on demand or on a specified date. Cohesiveness, or the desire for cohesiveness, in a group may produce a tendency among its members to agree at all costs. 1989. opportunity to reach the greatest number of business advisors in Also, the rate used to determine theCURRENT VALUE, orpresent value, of anASSETorincomestream. i) Exercise price effects capital gains of the individual and effects compensation expense used bycorporationfor calculating companys compensation expense for tax purposes, Specified elements, accounts or items of a financial statement. Any reimbursement or other expense allowance arrangement of an employer that meets all of the following requirements (therefore excluding it from gross w-2 EARNED INCOME and tax): (1) it provides reimbursements advances or allowances including per diem and meals, to employees for any job related deductible business expense; (2) employees must be able to substantiate expenses covered in the plan; (3) employee must return any excess advances or payments. Andersson, J., Skoogh, A. and Johansson, B. Agreement betweenDEBTORandCREDITORwhich amends the terms of aDEBTthat has little chance of being paid in accordance with its contractual terms. AnAUDITORthat has a reasonable understanding ofauditactivities and has studied thecompany's industry as well as theaccountingand auditing issues relevant to the industry. The allowance is designed to prevent too much taxes being withheld from a taxpayers wages and a person can compute this by completingform W-4and submitting it to their employer. Ratio ofCASHandMARKETABLE SECURITIESto CURRENT LIABILITIES. In addition a joint return may be filed for the two succeeding tax years if during that time the surviving spouse: Aprospectusgenerally describes SECURITIES orpartnershipinterests to be issued and sold. Options are suppose to be issued at option price that is neutral at time of issuance. Agreement whereby an institutionpurchasesSECURITIES under a stipulation that the seller will repurchase the securities within a certain timeperiodat a certain price. International Journal of Finance and Accounting, Suleman Bawa1, George Effah Asamoah2, Ernest Kissi3, 1Student Graduate/CEO Bonkanzo Ltd, Leeds University Business School, University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom, 2Senior Accountant, Finance Office, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana, 3Lecturer, Department of Building Technology, College of Art and Built Environment, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana. Cohesiveness, or the desire for cohesiveness, in a group may produce a tendency among its members to agree at all costs. Also known asCARRYING VALUE. ACCOUNTon the books of a lending institution recognizingINTERESTdeducted in advance and which will be taken intoINCOMEas earned over the life of theLOAN. The website's membership was initially limited Abstract. The amount added to the price of a product by a retailer to arrive at a selling price. Transactionunder which theLESSORborrows funds to acquire property which is leased to a third party. 4. disagreements among members of the engagement team; The amount of gain eligible for the 50 percent exclusion is subject to per-issuerlimits. ProspectiveFINANCIAL STATEMENTSthat are an entity's expected financial position, results of operations, and cash flows. PersonalINCOMEremaining after personal taxes and noncommercial government fees have been paid. BONDwith a long-term, high-premium,COMMON STOCKconversionfeature and also offering a fairly competitive interest rate. Totalincometaxes expressed as a percentage ofNET INCOMEbefore taxes. network of connections. CAPITAL STOCKand other SECURITIES that represent ownership shares, or the legal rights to purchase or acquire CAPITAL STOCK. The growth and prosperity of the business is affected by the capital budgeting decisions of the organization in the long run. Jessop, B. A capitalINVESTMENTevaluation method that discounts futureCASH FLOWSto theirPRESENT VALUE. Individual who is trained to develop and implement financial plans for individuals, businesses, and organizations, utilizing knowledge ofincomeandestate tax, investments,risk managementanalysis and retirement planning. Commonly called aMUTUAL FUND, this is a domesticcorporationthat acts as aninvestmentagent for its shareholders by typicallyinvestingin government and corporate securities and distributing theDIVIDENDSandINTERESTincomeearned from such investments. Charge levied by a governmentalunitonincome, consumption, wealth, or other basis. Provision oftaxlaw that allows current losses or certain tax credits to be utilized in the tax returns of future periods.. ASSETaccounton abalancesheet representing paper currency and coins,negotiablemoney orders and checks, bank balances, and certainshort-termgovernment securities. Conditional bank commitment issued on behalf of a customer to pay a third party in accordance with certain terms and conditions. Cash Receipt Journal: It records all the cash receipts which are done in the company in the financial year. I thank him for stepping up [] and Agu, O.A. Explicit or implicit representations by an entity's management that are embodied in financial statement components and for which the AUDITOR obtains and evaluates evidential matter when forming his or her opinion on the entity's financial statements. Cite this paper: Suleman Bawa, George Effah Asamoah, Ernest Kissi, Impact of Inventory Management on Firm Performance: A Case Study of Listed Manufacturing Firms in Ghana, International Journal of Finance and Accounting , Vol. The act of arranging something in an orderly way. and Chepkulei, B. Arora, A. and Ceccagnoli, M., 2006. The practice of putting money into something, such as property, in order to earnINTERESTor make aprofit. Download. ABONDthat is usually not registered with the issuingCORPORATIONbut instead bearsinterestcoupons stating the amount of INTEREST due and the payment date. A FINANCIALSTATEMENTforexternal reportingthat presents only the major categories of information. A put is anoptionto sell a certain number of shares of stock at a stated price within a certainperiod. ADEBT SECURITYthatmanagementintends to hold to itsMATURITYor payment date and whosecashvalueis not needed until that date. The difference between the realistic interest and the interest actually used is referred to asimputed interest. Of all the audit quality proxies, we find that restatements consistently predict all of the top six most cited A shippingtermthat means that the buyer bears transportation costs from the point of origin. expert answers to technical questions. Role of Inventory Management on Customer Satisfaction among the Manufacturing Firms in Kenya: A Case Study of Delmonte Kenya. Come and explore the metaphysical and holistic worlds through Urban Suburban Shamanism/Medicine Man Series. (2) Ininsurance, the cost of specified coverage for a designatedperiodof time. Person appointed by a will to manage a DECENDENT'S estate. ASSETthat one can reasonably expect to convert intocash, sell, or consume in operations within a single operating cycle, or within a year if more than one cycle is completed each year. (2010) find that SOEs have poorer information environments (as reflected in higher price synchronicity) than non-SOEs. Type ofLEASE, normally involving equipment, whereby theCONTRACTis written for considerably less than the life of the equipment and the lesser handles all maintenance and servicing. A formalSTATEMENTsummarizing the flow of all manufacturing costs incurred during anaccountingperiod. You may also have a look at the following articles to learn more , All in One Financial Analyst Bundle (250+ Courses, 40+ Projects). ScienceDirect is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. ScienceDirect is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. Date on which theprincipalamount of aNOTE,DRAFT, acceptance,BOND, or otherDEBT INSTRUMENTbecomes due and payable. Individual orfirmacting as a principal in a securitiestransaction. Reduction from the full amount of a price orDEBT. The growing complexity of business transactions and accounting standards increases auditings potential to add value. PropertyINTERESTaLESSEEowns in the leased property. Similar toEQUITY, the excess of ASSETS over LIABILITIES. Activities that involvemanagementjudgments or assumptions in formulatingaccountbalances in the absence of a precise means of measurement. An ebook (short for electronic book), also known as an e-book or eBook, is a book publication made available in digital form, consisting of text, images, or both, readable on the flat-panel display of computers or other electronic devices. The estimatedNETscrap, salvage, ortrade-invalueof a TANGIBLEASSETat the estimated date of disposal. Unlike aCORPORATION'S shareholders, the partnership's general partners are liable for the DEBTS of the partnership. Transportation charges onmerchandisepurchased for resale. The transferee is only liable to the extent of the value of the property received from the transferor. The costs of organizing atradeor business or forprofitactivity before it begins active business. Machiuka, N. K. 2010. Defaulttriggers aCREDITOR'S rights and remedies identified in the agreement and under the law. Most common qualified retirement plans are: (1) defined benefit plans - a promise to pay participants specified benefits that are determinable and based on such factors as age, years of service, and compensation; or (2) defined contribution plans - provide an individualaccountfor each participant and benefits based on items such as amounts contributed to the account by the employer and employee andinvestmentexperience. Munyao, R.M., Omulo, V.O., Mwithiga, M.W. Development of an online image repository system for cardiac modelling. Incomeof such individuals is subject to taxation if it is effectively connected with a United Statestradeor business. Stock authorized to be issued but for which noPAR VALUEis set in the ARTICLES OFINCORORATION. Measures of firm performance which were profitability and operating cash flows were examined. Next, we use these allegations to validate popular proxies of audit quality. The grant date for an award of equity instruments is the date that an employee begins to benefit from, or be adversely affected by, subsequent changes in the price of the employers equity shares. (1)MORTGAGEor otherlienon the entity's ASSETS; (2) AnticipatedEXPENDITURE; (3) Uncompleted or undelivered portion of a purchase commitment. Graph showing theTERMstructure of interest rates by plotting the yields of all bonds of the samequalitywith maturities ranging from the shortest to the longest available. The capital Budgeting process is one of the most important processes in the financing, accounting, and investment having its importance for the purpose of planning and evaluating the investment projects of the organization by taking into consideration all the future cash inflows and the future cash outflows expected from that particular project However, discounted options do not qualify as performance based compensation and therefore the deduction that the company would get may be partially or completely lost. The difference between theREVENUESof a business and the related costs and expenses, excludingINCOME derived from a sources other than its regular activities and before income deductions. ENCUMBRANCEplaced on property assecurityfor unpaid taxes. The financialSTATEMENTthat shows how and why anOWNERS EQUITY, or capital,ACCOUNThas changed over s specific financialPERIOD. In a walkthrough, the auditor traces a transaction from origination through the company's information systems to the point where it is reflected in the company's financial reports. 18.Accounting Conservatism and Street Earnings (with Frank Heflin and Charles Hsu), Review of Accounting Studies 20 (2015). Legal arrangement involving a promise by one person to perform theobligationsof a second person to a third person, in the event the second person fails to perform. Inportfoliotheory and capitalbudgetanalysis, the rate necessary to determine thePRESENT VALUEof an uncertain or risky stream ofINCOME; it is the RISK-free rate plus a riskpremiumthat is based on an analysis of the risk characteristics of the particularINVESTMENTor project. Rate at whichINTERESTis deducted in advance of the issuance, purchasing, selling, or lending of a financial instrument. Any owned tangible or intangible object having economic value useful to the owner. Groupthink is a psychological phenomenon that occurs within a group of people in which the desire for harmony or conformity in the group results in an irrational or dysfunctional decision-making outcome. A process by which anaccountantdetermines whether and why there is a difference between thebalanceshown on thebank statementand the balance of thecash accountin the firmsGENERAL LEDGER. into New York: Morris, C. 1995. 1999. Also referred to asTitle26 of the United States Code. Keth L, A Muhlemen, J Oakland. Writing checks against a bankaccountwith insufficient funds to cover them, hoping that the bank will receive deposits before the checks arrive for clearance. Attachment toreal propertythat is not intended to be moved and would create damage to the property if it were moved. Networks: Between markets and hierarchies. A surviving spouse may file a JOINT RETURN for the year in which the death occurred. Stock or securities for this purpose includes contracts or operations to acquire or sell stock or securities. 2008. BUSINESS COMBINATION of two or more entities that occurs when the entitiestransferall of theirNET ASSETS to a new entity created for that purpose. to start thinking about your career. AnASSETthat has the following characteristics: (1) it has a useful life of more than one year; (2) it is acquired for use in the operation of a business; and (3) it is not intended for resale to customers. To move or cause to go from one place, person, or thing to another. 1. Separation of ownership and control. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Accumulated undistributed earnings of acompanyretained for future needs or for future distribution to its owners. The Following are the points describing the importance of Capital Budgeting: The capital Budgeting process generally helps the company in taking two types of decisions: Investment decisions and financing decisions. 23,000+ of your peers. Any amount which may require payment by an entity at a future time. One type of long-termPROMISSORY NOTE, frequently issued to the public as aSECURITYregulated under federal securities laws or state BLUE SKY LAWS. FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING AND REPORTING. ii) Tax ramifications company. In general, the gain is reported as thenoteis paid off. 19th Floor In capital budgeting; the length of time needed to recoup thecost of capitalinvestment. A complete record of the transactions recorded in each individualaccount. and Ekhtari, H. 2014. Method ofbookkeepingby whichREVENUESand EXPENDITURES are recorded when they are received and paid. Accessed 21th July 2017. National professional membership organization that represents practicing CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS (CPAs). Excess of the proceeds realized on thesaleof eitherINVENTORYor noninventory goods. Basis is generally the cost paid for an asset plus the amounts paid to improve the asset less deductions taken against the asset, such asDEPRECIATIONandAMORTIZATION. Article Link to be Hyperlinked For eg: Source: Accounting Convention ( #1 Conservatism. Investment Banker Firm, acting as underwriter or agent, that serves as intermediary between an issuer of SECURITIES and the investing public. 2003. Transferable agreement to deliver or receive during a specific future month a standardized amount of a commodity. Effect of Inventory Management on Organisational Effectiveness in Nigeria. Measure of a stocks relativevolatility. Deloitte & Touche has their headquarters in the United States. Adeyemi, S.L. Organizationwhich is generally exempt from paying federalincometax. In a validtenancy-in-common, a deceased co-owner'stitlepasses to his or her heirs without being included in the estate of the deceased co-owner. iv) Will be unable to file shelf registration Technology adoption in rural areas for sustainable economic development. Cash Payment Journal: It records the payments which are done by using cash. Seizure ofCOLLATERALby aCREDITORwhenDEFAULTunder aloanagreement occurs. Lean thinking: banish waste and create wealth in your corporation. Analysis dealing with measurable factors as distinguished from suchQUALITATIVEconsiderations as the character ofmanagementor the state of employee morale. Expenditures that are written off during two or moreaccountingperiods. Commonly called aMUTUAL FUND, this is a domesticcorporationthat acts as aninvestmentagent for its shareholders by typicallyinvestingin government and corporate securities and distributing theDIVIDENDSand INTERESTincomeearned from such investments. U.S. governmentBONDissued inface valuedenominations ranging from $50 to $10,000. Rules governing LLPs vary significantly from state to state. Concept in statutes and regulations whereby a person who meets listed requirements will be preserved from adverse legal action. The deduction for stock options in not usually limited. Netofcashreceipts and cash disbursements relating to a particular activity during a specifiedaccountingperiod. Amount pershareset in the ARTICLES OFINCORPORATIONof a CORPORATION to be entered in the CAPITAL STOCKSaccountwhere it is left permanently and signifies a cushion ofEQUITYcapital for the protection of CREDITORS. 2014. Resources, Tax Cuts and For taxpurposes, these types of transactions are generally subject to a greater level of scrutiny. Written communication issued by an independent CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT (CPA) describing the character of his or her work and the degree of responsibility taken. Fund that limits its investments to a particular sector of the marketplace. 2013. Conveyance ofland, buildings, equipment or other ASSETS from one person (LESSOR) to another (LESSEE) for a specificperiodof time for monetary or other consideration, usually in the form of rent. Password requirements: 6 to 30 characters long; ASCII characters only (characters found on a standard US keyboard); must contain at least 4 different symbols; In this sense a prior owner's basis in the property is transferred to the taxpayer. The difference between expenses andREVENUESwhen expenses exceed revenues over aperiodof time. It is distinguished from most other types of reorganization because it involves only one corporation and is usually accomplished by the surrender by shareholders of their securities for other stock or securities of a different type. (2) May cause thelossof tax deductions under Section 162 (m), the deduction that public companies take for compensation to chief executive officer and next four highest compensated officers is limited to $1 million each. Code, is generally not subject tofederal income taxes DRAFT, acceptance, BOND or! Arranging something in an orderly way distinguished from suchQUALITATIVEconsiderations as the character ofmanagementor the state of employee morale owned or. Checks arrive for clearance United States to cover them, hoping that bank! Come and explore the metaphysical and holistic worlds through Urban Suburban Shamanism/Medicine Series! Entities that occurs when the entitiestransferall of theirNET assets to a particular activity during a.! Of measurement health care, lifeinsuranceand other benefits that are written off during two or more entities that occurs the... The issuingCORPORATIONbut instead bearsinterestcoupons stating the amount of a business entity that remains deducting. 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