I found this book to be clear and easy to follow. I found the text to be mostly accurate. It covers topics sensitively and comprehensively. But I'd like to hope that others would see the problems with this image that I see. The textbook is organized in a logical way and is easy to follow. It is high quality production from an established publisher. I like the overall organization of topics in the book. With that being said, this book would have relatively good longevity (several years) before significant additions would need to be made. The text is also up to date and in many cases seems to present more than one angle to social problems. Pages 575, 663: keep bulleted lists on the same page. The glossary definitions are in bold face and used in context making it easy for comprehension. Yes, it is broken into small subunits that can be moved and incorporated at other points in the course if the instructor finds a different arraignment more intuitive and student friendly. CT can be approached from the educational, philosophical, psychological and sociological perspectives. [citation needed] Reconstructionists also say that the theonomic government is not an oligarchy or monarchy of man communicating with God, but rather, a national recognition of existing laws. Prefacing the book with classic theory and incorporating current events will maintain that the text is relevant for a long time. I hope the authors update the stats with info from the 2020 census at some point for more relevant numbers. Finally, the end of each chapter contains a summary of the whole chapter's main points. The book addresses a wide array of social issues, defines and discusses subjective and objective definitions of social problems and covers major sociological perspectives and theorists. Like I mentioned before, I don't like listing only a few countries as having sex trafficking as a major problem. In both browsers, though, the table of content menu is very easy to use (drop down). Excessively technical terms are avoided or explained where needed. I would like to see an updated edition of the book, Reviewed by Alexandra Olsen, Assistant Professor, Umpqua Community College on 5/27/21, This textbook does a great job of covering a wide range of topics that are appropriate for a social problems. For instance, in Chapter the use of a photo of someone who was lynched seemed insensitive and abrupt ,with no trigger warning and did not add anything to the discussion. Basically, it has what you'd generally expect to be covered in an introductory social problems book. I find this particularly noteworthy because students may often feel dismayed at the breadth and depth of societal problems, but this part of each chapter helps them begin to move from discomfort and despair to action and positive contributions to their communities. The book is written in such a way that these could easily be implemented. There are no interface issues and very few grammatical or typing boo boos. Given that the author is stating that gender is a social construct, it seems necessary to go into other identities. Chapter 3, 6, 9, and 13 have sections that are out-of-order. The review questions are especially helpful. Chapter or section summaries are set off in boxes with color backgrounds, so it is easy to visually find one's way in the content. The text appears to be free of grammatical errors. Ironically it is the wholesale rejection (not revival) of theocratic principles that is desperately needed today if the church is to be faithful to the task of gospel witness entrusted to her in the present age It is only as the church puts aside the lust for worldly influence and power that she will be a positive presence in society. The textbook is divided into chapters that deal with topical areas in Social Problem studies. Check out The National Institute on Drug Abuses Research Report Series on marijuana for an overview of newer research: https://d14rmgtrwzf5a.cloudfront.net/sites/default/files/mjrrs_9_15.pdf. No problems were identified. From what I can tell, sex trafficking gets one brief mention in chapter 4 Social Problems: Continuity and Change reads as an introductory text that exposes readers to a wide array of social issues. Duncan rejects the reconstructionists' insistence that "the Old Testament civil case law is normative for the civil magistrate and government in the New Covenant era". Download citation. The chapters do have a topical logic to them in terms of organization, where it does make sense that the following chapter be there. It presents the three sociological theories/perspectives in the same manner in each chapter, and with equal attention across all the chapters (as well as equal attention to each theory in each chapter). I found each chapter to be consistent with the chapters before. This is a very strong point of this text. I feel the Learning Objectives are not only easy to comprehend but they are also malleable. - The end of the chapter summary is helpful, but I suggest it is expanded into more targeted end-of -the chapter review questions in order to highlight and reinforce learning as a student-driven formative assessment. Some separate Christian cultural and political movements object to being described with the label dominionism, because in their mind the word implies attachment to reconstructionism. I saw no culturally insensitive content in any way, and saw a clear attempt at maximal diversity. I think this is important to students specifically in an online environment who seek a rhythm to what they are learning and that a text has similar presentation from one chapter to the next. (1991), By This Standard: The Authority of God's Law Today, Tyler, TX: Institute for Christian Economics, ISBN978-0-930464-06-6, archived from the original on December 15, 2004. There is a good " at a glance" chart on theoretical perspectives in the beginning that explains the major assumptions of each and how each perspective views social problems. [40], George M. Marsden, a professor of history at the University of Notre Dame, has remarked in Christianity Today that "Reconstructionism in its pure form is a radical movement". The online text is very easy to navigate. (This was touched on briefly in Chapter 5 on Sexual Orientation, referenced as androgynous). Undergraduate students will find it easy to read and comprehend. I don't think a student would find it difficult to understand even with no prior sociological knowledge. I appreciate how the text worked to incorporate the historical perspectives of the issues it did address. This textbook is arranged in a way in which updates are easily made. Also, it would be preferred if each chapter followed a similar order. Reviewed by Michelle Crossley, Assistant Professor, Rhode Island College on 4/11/17, The text does a wonderful job of bringing in a vast array of social problems and related them to real world events. It should be included in the chapter on GENDER as it has nothing to do with one's sexual orientation. As stated above, the book is organized in such a way as to lend itself to reading as a whole or picking and choosing relevant chapters. The text covers a comprehensive look at social problems and provides an examination of discipline specific material as well as statistical information on how each social problem is currently experienced throughout the world. A substantive discussion on globalization is also missing. Reviewed by Vanessa Jones, Lecturer, Cleveland State University on 6/10/15, Through the text, Barkan provides a comprehensive definition of social problems and policy processes, overview of critical current issues and theoretical perspectives, and history of problems affecting the social context of the United States and Any use of quotes or phrases directly from or representing a source were presented properly. The textbook covers foundational information on a multitude of social issues particularly the characteristics, causes, and consequences of these issues and could be used for both sociology and social work courses. The presentation structure of the text is written in a comprehensive manner. A fourth box in each chapter, Children and Our Future, examines how the social problem discussed in that chapter particularly affects children, and it outlines the problem's repercussions for their lives as adolescents and adults. Additionally, the layout of each chapter is well organized and provides a wide range of topics and examples. read more. One of the strengths of this text is the manner in which it provides examples that can connect the reader, students, to the issues in a way that matters to them. There are numerous sections within each chapter that are organized similarly across all chapters. The format is clean making it easy to navigate, The statistic charts vary but this works for each chapter. The textbook is very well done in terms of modularity. Each topic is addressed in detail and the boxes in each chapter (Applying Social Research, Lessons from Other Nations etc) make the coverage Images can enhance the learning experience and this book does exactly that. I should imagine the book will remain useful for some years to come! A more in-depth discussion on the social construction of social problems and an expanded discussion on how social policies come to be would make the textbook more relevant. aging)" typically list the three theoretical viewpoints on the problem. The challenge is the length of the book and the challenges of scrolling to easily locate or review previously read content. This is done with objectivity and an emphasis on having a clear and comprehensive understanding of the issue, and without taking any obvious political or ideological point of view. Moreover, the preface does a good job of outlining the structure of each chapter, while the table of contents also provides a useful quick reference. Charts, illustrations and figures are vibrant and helpful. [7], Kayser points out that the Bible advocates justice, and that biblical punishments prescribed for crimes are the maximum allowable to maintain justice and not the only available option, because lesser punishments are authorized as well. Each chapter is broken up into smaller sub sections with clear headings. I am happy to see Margaret Meade (3.7) and Matthew Shephard (5.3) as part of the discussion, however, we need current information such as Betsy DeVos and The Florida Nightclub Shooting of 2016 to be part of the conversation as well. Would benefit from some updating, but I believe important key topics are well addressed. object to the dominionism and the dominion theology labels, which they say misrepresent their views. The content provided is not only comprehensive, but is also accurate and current. Thats why libraries turn to Ebook Central for their ebook needs. They are rich in content and can be easily modified to what information the instructor would like to highlight. However, sociology is a discipline that benefits from having recent statistics. This open text would be an excellent supplement to a large variety of course subjects when used in parts, but it would also be very useful in its entirety for a sociology or other related course. One thing that I found to be a little confusing is that within the chapter, there a links to charts, photos, other chapters and they are highlighted in red. Chapters are presented in a typical order for texts on social problems, beginning with an introductory chapter that describes research methods, sociological perspectives, etc. Michael Rady (he/him) is a queer educator, organizer, and reader. read more. Well written. To further develop students understanding of the importance and the inherent relationship between historic, economic, cultural, and social factors in the develop and persistence of social problems, it should be more intentional as far as developing a framework from which to analyze causal factors that breed structured inequality and hence social problems. This is really a great text. This textbook is a thorough description of what social problems are, with detailed illustration of specific social problems. Also, there is little on those living with a Disability, including Mental Illness. When I need to adapt it for an 8 week course it would be easy to just choose the 8 most relevant topics. The table of contents lays these out for easy access. Have correlates continued to hold? To that end, some of the poverty and demographic data (i.e., from the 2010 Census) and statistics should be updated; however, with new research generating data quickly this can be time intensive so the author has to be intentional when selecting data. The advances of Medical Marijuana should also be addressed in a future edition. Yes, each chapter covered relevant concepts, related issues, and a sociological framework to 'digest' the content. The selection of social problems are relevant and widespread, and discussion of those carries demonstrates current treatment. It discusses opposing views on the issues, although it could more fully emphasize the social and political processes through which solutions to social concerns are sought. Further, the text with almost 900 pages total, appears to have been constructed with this in mind. The issues with gender and sexuality terminology that I mentioned in item 2 are a big concern for me, however. Each chapter, then, is divided into sections and subsections that provide certain types of information/analysis. I found the logic and the additional learning material, such as figures and graphs, to be consistent throughout the text. It begins with defining social problems and even how we define social problems. This box reinforces for students the impact of social problems on children and the importance of addressing these problems for their well-being as well as for the nation's well-being.Each chapter ends with a Using What You Know feature that presents students with a scenario involving the social problem from the chapter and that puts them in a decision-making role. I found this easy to follow. "[25], Although it has a relatively small number of self-described adherents, Christian reconstructionism has played a role in promoting the trend toward explicitly Christian politics in the larger American Christian right. The sections each have a title and there are appropriate subtitles dividing the reading. There are relevant examples throughout that are intermingled with theoretical lenses that connect the reality to academia, or vice versa. This book is very modular. Yes, the pertinent trends and general patterns were thematically correct sociologically speaking; however, it would benefit from some updating. Appreciate the low number of charts/graphs, that when overused, unnecessarily bog down a basic overview. Jargon is sometimes necessary in an academic context, but the textbook does well in ensuring that any jargon written is also well-defined prior to being frequently used. As someone who is typically not drawn to online reading and would prefer in hand reading, this was easy and simple to navigate. An estimated 1.1 million undocumented minors resided in the U.S. as of 2010, making up 16% of the undocumented population of 11 million. This verse is seen as an announcement by Jesus that he has assumed authority over all earthly authority. I appreciate the development of clear subsections within each chapter. Reviewed by Victoria Blanchard, Instructional Faculty, Virginia Tech on 2/8/17, The range of topics covered by the text is appropriate, and the concepts covered within the subjects are, overall, appropriate for an introduction to social problems. It is arranged in such a way that and has a digital format whereby these news stories, supporting resources, and text can be easily replaced and/or updated. He added, 'There are a lot of us floating around in Christian leadershipJames Kennedy is one of themwho don't go all the way with the theonomy thing, but who want to rebuild America based on the Bible. This feature helps the students think critically and connects them with the chapters theoretical discussion and real-life problems. This is particularly helpful with a book that discussed such a large variety of topics as it lends clarity and cohesiveness to the text. There are clear, smaller sections that are easy to navigate and read. However, in social work we at least consider the strengths perspective and empowerment model which was lacking here. The language as well as the organizational structure of the writing is clear and concise. [37], Rodney Clapp wrote that reconstructionism is an anti-democratic movement. Major US issues are discussed, though [19], Rousas Rushdoony wrote in The Institutes of Biblical Law: This textbook does a great job of incorporating different examples from a variety of different cultures. Beginning with an introduction to the concept of social More up-to-date and sociologically relevant links could be made to student-friendly sites like The Society Pages, Contexts, and even asanet.org. The presentation of global comparisons is especially helpful. These often include the most prominent responses to social problems, including a brief genealogy of the problem presented in an informative way. Other chapters were less intentional in regard to culture connections embedded in the topic, and its handling of the same. However it couldn't hurt to have more images of people of color, namely Asians, Native Peoples, and Latinos. The reader can easily spot the title page, content and learning objectives for each chapter. The term transvestite is outdated. The text consistently uses real-life examples and graphics throughout to help the reader better understand the severity of the Social Problems represented. There is no way to judge what social problem should come before another in presentation, and if it were desired to change the flow, one could easily assign different topic chapters in a different order. Also, they allegedly have an amount of influence which is disproportionate to their numbers among advocates of the growth of the Christian homeschooling movement and other Christian education movements that seek independence from the direct oversight or support of the civil government. One of my favorite features in this textbook is the Using What You know feature in each chapter. Each of the chapters does a good job presenting the topic from a sociological perspective, different theoretical perspectives from which to understand the topic, and ways of addressing social problems that are ground in empirical research. The writing is clear and I believe easy for students to understand. The structure of the book is highly consistent, making textbook navigation straightforward and simple to use. ), Toccoa, GA: Sola Fide Publishers, ISBN978-0692240601. Thankfully the author acknowledges this early in the text by explaining the differential nature by which people ascribe meaning to the world around them, and the theme is carried throughout, thus giving the reader the ability to interpret the identified problems from multiple viewpoints. The content is presented in an objective/scientific manner and uses relevant citations for all the information. I chose to review this book as a possible adoption for a summer online Social Problems course. The information is presented in a manner appropriate for some high school classes in addition to the post secondary level. read more. However, the overgeneralizations and out-dated material make it unlikely that I will adopt this book for classes at this time. In that light, some theologians interpret the Great Commission as a command to exercise that authority in his name, bringing all things (including societies and cultures) into subjection under his commands. It is an interdisciplinary field that draws inspiration from various disciplines both within and outside The DSM 5 now recognizes that there are both physical and mental symptoms associated with marijuana withdrawal, and studies have shown that amotivational behavior occurs in those who chronically use marijuana. The book is broken down into chapters and each chapter has manageable sub-sections. If the issues I brought up were addressed, I would most definitely integrate at least parts of it in the readings I use in certain courses. In Explorer the page navigation is just text at the bottom of the screen (rather than a box with fill and text from which the course material appears behind). The content is timely and needed for students' general education requirements. For example, in the chapter on Families, the author cites research by Bradford Wilcox without including a critical lens on this political biases. Some of the images in the text are quite good, some are just ok, and some look staged or somewhat irrelevant to the topic at hand. Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing For Rushdoony, the idea of dominion implied a form of Christian theocracy or, more accurately, a theonomy. This arrangement is particularly useful when structuring reading assignments for courses in which the entire text may not be used or may be supplemented with additional journal articles. It is easy to opt out of some sections or subsections. The textbook is internally consistent. Pages 320, 472, 559: caption for photo should be on same page as photo Actually, I found this section on marijuana and its effects to be somewhat irresponsiblethe text takes a tone that is seemingly condoning marijuana use, which in my opinion is ill-advised considering the general demographic of those who will most likely be reading this text. They break down some of the main theoretical perspectives and how they apply to sociology in a very digestible way. I would like to see that all of the chapters and even we Corresponded to the syllabus topic for a student not necessarily grammatical errors in the was! They apply to sociology in a comprehensive summary for holistic education and the same file as year. Is now on my list for consideration Christian reconstructionists advocate a theonomic government and preserve! Fluidity was not so sociological foundation of curriculum pdf that it `` borders on a major social problem studies are given to examine. 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