in my major or minor? In most instances, the only way to remove the WU from the calculation of your G.P.A. If youve already applied,be sure to provide us with your CUNYfirst ID number. Disabilities addressed by this office include, but are not limited to, learning disabilities, emotional disabilities, mobility impairments, visual impairments, and legal blindness. Click the box next to the words Im not a robot and follow the CAPTCHA text prompts. If you have any problems, you need to visit the Student Help Desk in the Computer Open Lab in room C-595 (click here for hours of operation) or call the Student Help Desk at 718-518-6622. If you want to keep the possibility of graduate school open even if you're not immediately planning on going, you should maintain a G.P.A. You are expected to attend your classes regularly. In-Person Hours (217 East 42nd Street, New York, NY 10017) E-Mail Address: Phone Number: 718-960-7755 Office Number: APEX, Room 265 Questions about the CUNY Alert service should be directed to your campus help desk. The Office of Special Student Services is located in Shuster Hall, Room 238, tel. For Guest Users: See the CUNY Alert Guest Account Instructions for instructions on changing notification preferences. You have met the attendance requirement and have a passing average in the course. For easier access to your Hostos email, you can add your Hostos student email to your mobile phone 2. Please note that all materials and documents submitted as part of an application for admission become the property of CUNY and cannot be returned. Be sure to check out this 10-minute clip which illustrates how to view your personal details, class schedule, course history and grades, and financial aid summary information as well as how to manage to-do list items, set up payment plans and make In most instances, the only way to remove the FIN from the calculation of your G.P.A. NOTE: If you need additional assistance with your CUNYfirst Username and password, please contact the Help Desk (Tech Resources & Help Desks) of the specific CUNY Institution. This is a hard question to answer without knowing the role that course plays in your graduation requirements. We all face times when real life gets a little "too real." Students should confirm their location and notification preferences by logging in to CUNYfirst, clicking the CUNY Alert Preferences link and making updates as required. Available services include notetakers, tutors, proctors, readers and scribes, alternative testing conditions, extended/double time when taking exams, library assistance, registration assistance, access to a learning disability specialist, and an elevator key. Here you can find the CUNY IT Accessibility statement, links to campus accessibility resources, information on the Technology Accessibility Task Force, and details on accessibility in system-wide applications. Once you have filled out the form, take it to Shuster Hall, Room 280, for an Academic Advisor's signature (no appointment needed) and then take the form to the Registrar's Office in Shuster 112 for processing. Whenever possible, it is best to complete your work when it is first due. Your instructor believes that the amount of work to be completed can reasonably be finished within the first ten weeks of the following semester. An INC is not included in either earned credits or indexable credits and so does not affect your G.P.A. Under the CUNY F Policy, you can do this for up to sixteen credits worth of penalty grades (F, FIN, WU, and WN [The F penalty applies to the WU grade only when when earned before Fall 2009.]). To begin the process, you must complete the following: KCCs Virtual Financial Aid Front Desk is open daily via Zoom. ; a FIN is included in indexable credits but not earned credits. you can earn and continue to take courses at Lehman College. You can also complete the helpdesk form, or you may email the help desk at is important to provide your student ID (emplid) as well as your contact information with either means of communication. Visit our Virtual Front Desk Click here for more details and login information. New to SharePoint or MS 365? New to SharePoint or MS 365? Accessible information technology has been designed, developed, or procured to be usable by, and therefore accessible to, people with disabilities including those who use assistive technologies. Welcome to the Department of Health Sciences Gul Tiryaki-Sonmez, Department Chair. Perhaps you would like to set up an independent project with a faculty mentor as a tutorial or set up an internship to get advanced experience in your field. under the CUNY F policy. CUNYfirst allows students to manage their academic life and financial accounts in real time, while giving faculty tools to enhance their interaction with students. For Students, Faculty and Staff: Log in to CUNYfirst and click on the CUNY Alert Preferences link. CUNYs Fully Integrated Resources & Services Tool, known officially as CUNYfirst, is the enterprise resource solution that allows CUNY students to move seamlessly through any and all CUNY campuses as they pursue their higher educational callings as well as connecting faculty and staff to tools to support their processes. of at least 2.0 that includes all of your Lehman College courses as well as a G.P.A. If you know before the end of the semester that you will not be able to complete all of your work (for example, handing in a final paper or taking a final exam) and you know you are passing the course you may ASK your instructor for an extension in form of an INC (incomplete) grade. Lehman recognizes outstanding academic scholarship on the part of matriculated students. falls below the minimum retention index, you will be placed on full-time probation automatically; if your G.P.A. as an F. In cases like this, if you have been reasonably faithful in attendance and submitted most of the work due for the semester, your instructor(s) may assume that your absence from the class does not indicate a lack of interest in completing the work. Since CUNY Alert preferences are managed by each user, you select how you want to be notified. 4. For example: For detailed information on how to calculate your G.P.A., click here. Click here to see the Lehman College transcript of a sample Lehman student, whom we'll call "Eyem A. The Fall 2023 Application and Spring 2023 Application is now available. Warning for students who receive financial aid and/or scholarship monies: When you retake a course in which you have earned a D, you are not eligible to earn additional credits for that course. Press the button below to review Employee/Manager Self-service resources which assist with human resources activities. For further information, please visit the Student Disability Services web page. These societies encourage students to take an active interest in independent and advanced study. The Student Health Center offers clinical services, women's health programs, wellness programs, and help with access to health insurance. These accounts are prefilled with college affiliation(s) and CUNY college or business email address. As an auditor, you will be charged the same tuition rate as those students who are taking the course for credit. Access CUNY Alert notification preferences by logging in to CUNYfirst and then selecting the CUNY Alert tile. Our Counseling Center offers workshops on time management and other topics of general interest to students. If you call this number between 8:00am and 8:00pm on weekdays, you will hear a message telling you to contact your help desk. Microsoft SharePoint is a secure website-based document/video collaboration and management space designed for organizations. Friday: 12:00pm-5:00pm 2. ALWAYS log off a computer when you leave even if you leave for a short time to do something else. Please Note: The 16-credit cap on the number of penalty grade credits you can remove from your G.P.A. Courses you have taken on a pass/fail basis are included in your indexable credits only if you fail the course; P (Pass) grades are not included in the calculation of your G.P.A. I am registered for one section of a course but am attending another. Under the CUNY F policy, you can remove up to sixteen credits of penalty grades from the calculation of your G.P.A. No one is allowed to withdraw from English as a Second Language (ESL) and English Composition courses (ESL 085/086/095/096/103/104 and ENG 099/101/102/110/111/120/121) without a compelling reason (for example, a documentable severe illness or forced change in work schedule). However, there are some instances (for example, achieving a minimum grade required in a prerequisite course so that he or she can progress in the major or minor; trying to earn a better grade to qualify for a program outside of Lehman College) in which retaking such a course may make sense. ", The grading system for the College Requirement in English Composition (ENG 099, ENG 101, ENG 102, ENG 110, ENG 111, ENG 120, and ENG 121) consists of "A" through "C," "R," "NC," and "WU. CUNY IT Help is the first place students, faculty and staff should go to find help and information about CUNY-wide technology applications and services like CUNYfirst. is to retake the course and earn at least a C-. Can I get an extension? Students: New students are enrolled in CUNY Alert automatically. At graduation, you may be eligible for departmental honors if you have an overall G.P.A. CUNY sends a CUNY Alert test message at least once a year to confirm that the system is operating correctly. You must have a cumulative (overall) G.P.A. Advisor resources are available via CIS Training SharePoint page. How can I modify my CUNY Alert preferences? How can I get it out of my G.P.A.? CUNYfirst Student Center. Group all of your Lehman classes according to the grades you received. Attempted credits are credits for all the courses you ever registered for and kept past the Drop/Add deadlines. This means that you cannot use the course in the minimum number of credits you must take in order to qualify for full-time status. Faculty resources are available via CIS Training SharePoint page. This link (Verify my FAFSA) will help you complete outstanding financial aid task(s). We are also moving forward with providing all our workshops and events virtually. You may need to earn a specific minimum grade in one course before you are allowed to take the next course in a sequence. Grades earned at any previous institution or program (with the possible exception of courses taken through Lehman or City University study-abroad programs and the definite exception of courses taken on e-permit at other CUNY institutions) are not listed in your Lehman G.P.A. Using any web browser, staff can organize, share and access information from any device. Also, see more information about online tools (opens in a new window) First Name: Last Name: Email Address: If you must withdraw after the deadline and you believe there is a good reason why you should not receive a WU (Unofficial Withdrawal) grade, you can file an appeal in the Academic Advising Office in Shuster Hall, Room 280. Phone: CUNYfirst ID (EMPLID): Be sure to check your email (including your spam/junk folder for your ticket number. If you are only missing CUNY Alert text messages, please contact your college help desk for assistance. If you received either an NC or an R grade, the bad news is that you are required to repeat the course in order to receive credit for it. If you have any problems, you need to visit the Student Help Desk in the Computer Open Lab in room C-595 (click here for hours of operation) or call the Student Help Desk at 718-518-6622. It is impossible to determine whether you can or should retake a course without knowing what the grade is and how the course can be used to fulfill your graduation requirements. Can I unsubscribe from CUNY Alert test messages only? (For information on how to remove a FIN from the calculation of your G.P.A., click here.). Your time here lays a foundation for all you will accomplish in graduate or professional school and your eventual career. If you simply stop attending classes or if you file an appeal for a late or retroactive withdrawal and it is denied, a WU should appear on your transcript as your grade for the course. This policy applies to courses with penalty grades that were first taken in Fall 1984 or later and successfully repeated as of Fall 1990 or later. Hang up the call and contact your campus help desk or Blackboard administrator. Course number/ID; Description of the Blackboard assistance you seek ; 2. Welcome to the Department of Health Sciences Gul Tiryaki-Sonmez, Department Chair. Dial the following telephone number: 1-646-664-2024. I got a "D" in my course. Monday-Thursday:9:00am-5:00pm If you stop attending class at any point in the semester without notifying your instructor(s) of the reason for your absence and how long you expect to be away AND you do not drop the course in CUNYfirst before the deadline printed in the Academic Calendar, you should expect to receive a WU grade. Human Resources such as your social security number, wage and salary information and home address. DegreeWorks link in the CUNYfirst; CUNY IT Help. This link (Verify my FAFSA) will help you complete outstanding financial aid task(s). even though they are not counted toward your residency requirement and cannot be used to remove penalty grades from your Lehman G.P.A. I got an "NC" grade. If you are having a problem accessing the Blackboard 8, please contact the IT Help Desk at 718-960-1111. Once you have successfully retaken a course in which you have earned an F, WU, or FIN, your transcript will show that the mathematical value of the original grade has been removed from the total of indexable credits and is no longer part of your G.P.A. Directory, News Which grades will not be included in my G.P.A.? All "W" grades--the "WU" for Unofficial Withdrawal, the "WN" for Never Attended, and the "W" for Withdrawal without [Academic] Penalty may have a negative impact on your eligibility got Financial Aid. Questions about the CUNY Alert service should be directed to your campus help desk. For CUNY Staff, in addition to performing administrative tasks relating to a students record, faculty and staff can manage employee-related activities like reviewing and updating personal details, tracking compliance-training requirements, and viewing payroll and compensation data. By consolidating and streamlining the multiple processes and systems across the CUNY campuses, CUNYfirst manages the daily activities of students, faculty, and staff through three main work pillars Campus Solutions, Human Capital Management, and Financials. of a Biology major, but no other CHE or PHY courses. How can guest users access their account if they forgot their username or password? For example: This student is not a full-time student in the Spring 2003 semester because he/she is taking only 10 credits MAT 132 is not included in the credit count because no credits were earned in that course. If youve already applied,be sure to provide us with your CUNYfirst ID number. Friday-Sunday:Closed, Tuesday, October 4, 2022 Also, see more information about online tools (opens in a new window) First Name: Last Name: Email Address: Example: Check here for a complete list of Lehman grading symbols and their significance. 1. CUNYfirst Home Navigation Aid Your next step is to multiply the number of indexable credits by the quality point value for each grade. These options may include taking advantage of Lehman/CUNY grading policies, withdrawing from certain courses, or changing your plans for a major or minor. In other words, the course credits are included in your indexable credits, but not in your earned credits. The more information you provide, the easier and faster it will be for the helpdesk to provide you with assistance. YourCUNYfirstStudent Center isagateway formanagingyouracademic relatedactivities. You cannot earn any credits in an AUD-graded course; the AUD grade does not affect the calculation of your G.P.A. If you call this number between 8:00am and 8:00pm on weekdays, you will hear a message telling you to contact your help desk. Transcript Information. until the work is completed and a grade change form is submitted by the instructor. Take full advantage of every opportunity Lehman has to offer you. Check with your Faculty Advisor for information on your program. Students New York, NY 10007, Borough of Manhattan Community College More importantly, this platform enables you to quickly find information and seamlessly collaborate across CUNY. Phone: CUNYfirst ID (EMPLID): Be sure to check your email (including your spam/junk folder for your ticket number. If you have a CUNYfirst account and have forgotten your username/password: Go to and select Forgot Password or Forgot Username to reset your password. Additional technological services are provided at the Assistive Technology Center in the Library, Room 215. Go to and enter your username and password. In addition, college honors are awarded at graduation to those who have achieved the required G.P.A.s with a minimum of 60 credits earned at Lehman College: The phrase "My G.P.A. graduation requirements, grading policies (for example, retaking courses to make up for poor or penalty grades), opportunities available to students with a high G.P.A., support services available to students with a low G.P.A., pass/fail courses, and auditing courses. Financials provides general ledger, accounts payable, accounts receivable and other financial and accounting management functions supporting CUNY business operations. except that one has to be careful to select only those courses that are included in one's program. Privacy Policy Admissions In these instances, retaking the course is a logical decision. The frequency of such testing will depend upon the coronavirus positivity rate and the prevalence of variants among other factors. How can I calculate my G.P.A. graduation requirements, grading policies (for example, retaking courses to make up for poor or penalty grades), opportunities available to students with a high G.P.A., support services available to students with a low G.P.A., pass/fail courses, and auditing courses. Only students and guest users can unsubscribe: students can do so in CUNYfirst and guest users can remove notification methods or delete their guest account (see the CUNY Alert Guest Account Instructions for more information). The CUNY F policy is particularly important if you're having difficulty with a course in your major or minor. In-Person Hours (217 East 42nd Street, New York, NY 10017) (212) 220-8000 Faculty & Staff In addition to severe weather advisories, you will be notified of anything that affects public safety for the CUNY community, such as police activity, flooding, or power outages. While your credits have transferred, your grades have not. As a result of expanding our online services, all transcript orders are exclusively submitted online, thus discontinuing in Because you did not complete the coursework within your required deadline (either ten weeks into the following semester or whatever deadline has been set by your instructor), the INC you received has automatically turned into a FIN and is calculated as an F in your G.P.A. This link (Verify my FAFSA) will help you complete outstanding financial aid task(s). The number of College Option credits is 6, 9, or 12, depending upon the number of transfer credits and whether or not an associate degree has been earned. If you do not meet this prerequisite requirement, you will need to raise your order to fulfill your graduation requirements. In most instances, the only way to remove the WU from the calculation of your G.P.A. 199 Chambers Street Can I retake a course? As a result of expanding our online services, all transcript orders are exclusively submitted online, thus discontinuing in If you need to speak to someone immediately during business hours, visit our VIRTUAL FRONT DESK at Academic Policies This policy applies to F grades as well as other grades carrying the F penalty (i.e., WU grades for unofficial withdrawals and FIN grades for incomplete [INC] grades that were never completed). The people who staff our Counseling Center are trained in helping students talk through difficult situations and feelings as they work through those issues that keep them from doing as well as they would like to. This after-hours Blackboard support will be available by telephone: Weeknights between 8 p.m. and 8 a.m. the next morning, Weekends all day and night on Saturdays and Sunday. Your CUNYfirst Student Center is a gateway for managing your academic related activities. Be sure tocheck outthis10-minuteclipwhich illustrateshow toviewyourpersonaldetails, class schedule, course history and grades, and financialaidsummaryinformationas well ashow tomanageto-do list items, set up payment plans and makepayments, request transcripts, and uploadadministrativedocumentation. As a result of expanding our online services, all transcript orders are exclusively submitted online, thus discontinuing in In addition, grades earned in courses taken on e-permit at other CUNY schools and some grades earned in courses taken through Lehman or City University study-abroad programs will be included in your G.P.A. Course number/ID; Description of the Blackboard assistance you seek ; 2. Committed to a policy of equal employment and equal access in its educational programs and activities,The City University of New York (CUNY) providesresources and information on technology accessibility via this website. After submitting your application, visit the Admissions Center in CUNYfirst for updates regarding your application status. higher than 2.0 as a prerequisite for taking specific required courses in that major or minor. CUNY Alert guest user accounts created using the Everbridge guest account portal have access to forgotten username and forgotten password functions. D and F grades cannot be assigned to these courses. 5:30 PM 6:30 PM, Tuesday, November 8, 2022 If you have already claimed your CUNYfirst account, follow the instructions below to check the status of your application: 1. Go to and enter your username and password. // and manually entering the 10-digit meeting number and password. If the student also took MAT 172, it would not be included in the calculation of the G.P.A. If you cannot continue to attend a class for any reason and it is before the deadline for withdrawal without academic penalty, you must drop the course in CUNYfirst before the deadline printed in the Academic Calendar. 718-960-7707). CHE 166/167, CHE 168/169, CHE 232/233, CHE 234/235, PHY 166, and PHY 167 would also be included in the major G.P.A. will rise. You can choose your campus or office locations, phone numbers for voice and text messages, and/or email addresses for emergency notifications delivered directly to you. Available equipment includes Window Eyes, Zoom Text 7.0, JAWS 4.0, Dragon, text magnifiers,text reading machine, visual technologies, computer access, Internet access, and enlarged copies. CUNY Alert test messages are usually sent once a year after the start of the fall semester. Can I reply to a CUNY Alert by text, email or telephone? In some instances, penalty grades can prevent a student from graduating because a passing average (2.0 G.P.A.) ATTENTION: Effective August 2, 2022, Lehman College in collaboration with CUNY now provides transcript services through Parchment. of at least 2.0 in your Lehman minor courses if you have declared a minor. under the CUNY F Policy or for other reasons (for example, you repeated a class you took earlier--or the class is is too similar to a class you took earlier for you to earn credit for both classes). What types of "Emergency Messages" may I receive? You access Blackboard by logging in via CUNYfirst. Another reason not to repeat a course in which you have earned a D or D+ is that you will be "stuck" with the second grade even if it is the same or lower than the first. Once you are logged in, click on the Admissions Center tile. Which grades will be included in my G.P.A.? Staff resources are available via CIS Training SharePoint page. Your minimum retention index is the lowest G.P.A. CUNY IT Help provides the following for CUNYfirst users: * UpdatedKnowledgeBased Articles (KBAs) with accompanying video instruction. For information and possible permission to withdraw, consult an advisor in the ESL Office or the English Composition Office in Carman 336 (718-960-8720). In Computer Graphics and Imaging, all ART, CGI, CMP, and MAT (126 and higher) course grades are included in the calculation of the G.P.A. (Individual departments and programs may have additional requirements for their honors programs. CUNY Alert is an automated outbound messaging service distributed from unmonitored sources, including a do not reply email account and a telephone number that only plays a recorded message if you call it back. Go to and enter your username and password. Student Help Submit the form below, and a staff member will reach out to you via email. This site provides resources and information on technology accessibility for students, faculty, and staff at The City University of New York (CUNY). Dial the following telephone number: 1-646-664-2024. The WU is calculated as an F in your G.P.A. Why not take another course in which you can earn a good grade and credits, too? Students who find themselves in academic trouble should consult one of the Advisors in the Academic Information and Advisement Center in Shuster 280 to discuss their options. Click here for a full list of Lehman College grading symbols. Your instructor believes that you have good and sufficient reason(s) for not completing your coursework by the end of the semester. Success". If youve already applied,be sure to provide us with your CUNYfirst ID number. A W will appear on your transcript as your grade for the course if you withdraw before the deadline for withdrawal without academic penalty. The good news is that even though you did not pass the course, your G.P.A. If you received a WU grade because you were forced to stop attending classes due to unforeseen circumstances and and can provide documentation for the reason behind your unofficial withdrawal, consult an Academic Advisor about an appeal for a late or retroactive withdrawal. It signifies an Unofficial Withdrawal and is calculated in your G.P.A. Or "FIN" or "Z"? Press the log-in button to access resources to support your day-to-day faculty processes. As of Fall 2009, WN grades are not included in the calculation of the Lehman G.P.A. If you are not receiving other text messages on the telephone number, you may need to contact your mobile service carrier. CUNYfirst Student Center. Should I retake a course? Event Calendar Dropping below the minimum number of credits needed to maintain your status as a full-time or part-time student who is eligible for those funds may result in a loss of financial aid or scholarship funding. CUNYs commitment to equal access for students starts with campus Offices of Disability Resources & Services and the dedicated, highly skilled professionals who work there. How often are CUNY Alert test messages sent? If you have earned more than sixteen credits in penalty grades, consult an Academic Advisor in Shuster 280 for advice on which courses to repeat under the CUNY F policy (or to discuss an appeal for shifting penalty grade relief from one course to another). In majors that include specific requirements in other departments, such as Biology, all courses in the major discipline are included and the specific courses in the other departments are included. Student Center Navigation Aid, Schedule Builder of 3.2 and a G.P.A. College Directory | If you have difficulty accessing information on CUNYs website due to a disability, please contact CUNYs Accessibility Specialist, William Medina,, and provide the following information: the web address of the requested material, a description of the accessibility problem, the preferred format to receive the requested material, and your contact information (name, email address, and phone number). as if it were just another course. Calculating the G.P.A. Penalty grades have a more dramatic effect on the major and minor G.P.A. Students must repeat these courses with a grade of C- or better to complete their majors.) Undergraduate Admissions 55 Lexington Avenue, H-750 646-312-2010 Give to BMCC If you call this number between 8:00am and 8:00pm on weekdays, you will hear a message telling you to contact your help desk. 2009) grades. NEVER share your account with others, and never use anyone elses account. Why am I receiving multiple emails with the same content? If you no longer have access to CUNYfirst because your employment ended, please contact your college help desk for assistance. Add, Drop, and Swap Classes. Check the Undergraduate Bulletin for a complete list of Lehman grading symbols and their significance. Calculated in your indexable credits, but no other CHE or PHY courses your step. Forgotten username and password: the 16-credit cap on the Admissions Center in the course credits are included in CUNYfirst! 8:00Pm on weekdays, you may need to contact your campus help desk Blackboard... And never use anyone elses account but not in your major or minor and click on the major minor... A G.P.A. by the quality point value for each grade not counted your... Located in Shuster Hall, Room 215 you will need to contact your help desk assistance. Users: See the CUNY F policy, you can remove from your G.P.A. good and sufficient reason s... 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