import { showRowLines }, { }, { }, { id: 41, taskTitlePosition: e.value, successorId: 22, end: new Date('2019-07-04T12:00:00.000Z'), The UI component allows users to add, modify and delete tasks, resources and dependencies. progress: 65, {' '} type: 0, }); }, { TaskTimeTooltipContentTemplate : undefined} 'rrule': 'npm:rrule@2.6.4/dist/es5/rrule.js',
start: new Date('2019-03-15T05:00:00.000Z'), progress: 80, parentId: 49, start: new Date('2019-04-08T05:00:00.000Z'), title: 'Unit testing complete', }, { The following properties accept/return ScaleType values: The values listed by the ScaleType enumerator are used to set the Series.ArgumentScaleType and Series.ValueScaleType properties. }, { }, import React from 'react'; taskTitlePosition - Specifies where to display a task's title - none, inside or outside the task. id: 37, progress: 0, successorId: 87, }, { type: 0, progress: 0, {' '} startDateRange = {ganttConfig.startDateRange} taskId: 34, .caption { } id: 34, }, { end: new Date('2019-03-08T09:00:00.000Z'), TaskTooltipTemplate : undefined} 'prettier/parser-html': 'npm:prettier@2.7.1/parser-html.js', predecessorId: 84, }, { document.getElementById('app'), start: new Date('2019-06-25T12:00:00.000Z'), taskId: 38, }, { color: black; {ganttConfig.showCustomTaskTooltip ?
showResources: e.value, 'inferno-dom': 'npm:inferno-dom/dist/inferno-dom.min.js', allowTaskUpdating. parentId: 1, id: 49, setGanttConfig({ type="date" parentId: 2, taskTooltipContentRender = title: 'Re-test modified code', For example, use our API to display detailed information about task in a separate dialog. progress: 0, progress: 0, Specifies whether to display sort indexes in column headers. width: 180px; progress: 80, .NET App Security & Web API Service (FREE), CircularMarkerSlideFromBottomCenterAnimation, CircularMarkerSlideFromLeftCenterAnimation, CircularMarkerSlideFromRightCenterAnimation, CircularMarkerSlideFromTopCenterAnimation, Marker2DSlideFromLeftBottomCornerAnimation, Marker2DSlideFromRightBottomCornerAnimation, DevExpress.Xpf.Core.ConditionalFormatting, DevExpress.Xpf.DataAccess.DataSourceWizard, DevExpress.Xpf.Editors.ExpressionEditor.Native, DevExpress.Xpf.Grid.ConditionalFormatting, DevExpress.Xpf.Printing.Parameters.Models, DevExpress.Xpf.Printing.PreviewControl.Bars, DevExpress.Xpf.Reports.UserDesigner.Extensions, DevExpress.Xpf.Reports.UserDesigner.Localization, DevExpress.Xpf.Reports.UserDesigner.ReportWizard, DevExpress.Xpf.Reports.UserDesigner.ReportWizard.Pages. ganttConfig, id: 17, 'inferno': 'npm:inferno@7.4.4/dist/inferno.min.js', "New Task" - Appends a new task at the same level as the selected cell/task. type: 0, }, { Set the enabled property to true to enable edit functionality. id: 58, successorId: 4, } import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; start: new Date('2019-03-08T10:00:00.000Z'), id: 11, progress: 0, } id: 49, }, { }, { successorId: 7, taskId: 79, taskId: 9, }, { packageConfigPaths: [ parentId: 43, }, { Chart Appearance. id: 73, title: 'Integration Testing', taskId: 45, Tasks, Dependencies, Resources, ResourceAssignments, Column, Editing, start: new Date('2019-04-08T05:00:00.000Z'),
id: 29, Handle the taskEditDialogShowing event and cancel the default dialog showing: }, { }, { title: 'Incorporate Help documentation feedback', }, { type: 0, Assembly: DevExpress.XtraCharts.v22.1.dll. id: 18, A complete sample project is available at }, { }, { id: 62, predecessorId: 41, Specifies whether a user can add dependencies. }, { title: 'Development', id: 57, This means that data provided for the Series.Points will be treated as numerical values and will be shown on the axis as numbers (e.g., 100, 200, and 300). id: 31, start: new Date('2019-02-25T10:00:00.000Z'), taskId: 16, resourceId: 2, resourceId: 5, setGanttConfig({ resourceId: 7, predecessorId: 28, parentId: 58,
Scale Type:
return ( }, { 'devextreme-quill': 'npm:devextreme-quill@1.5.18/dist/dx-quill.min.js', progress: 0, title: 'Secure required resources', type: 0, id: 10, box-shadow: 0 4px 8px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 6px 20px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.19); }, resourceId: 7, }, function onEndDateValueChanged(e) { successorId: 29, successorId: 47, resourceId: 8, start: new Date('2019-05-16T12:00:00.000Z'), }, { end: new Date('2019-04-11T14:00:00.000Z'), title: 'Develop functional specifications', value={ganttConfig.showDependencies} id: 57, predecessorId: 6, Single Mode. resourceId: 5,
parentId: 49, }, { parentId: 8, taskId: 24, title: 'Develop code', }, { 'devextreme': 'npm:devextreme@22.1.6/cjs', type: 0, ); progress: 0, @Html.DevExpress ().Gantt (settings => { settings.Name = "gantt"; settings.SettingsGanttView.StartDateRange = new DateTime (2018, 01, 01); settings . {' '} startDateRange: e.value, }, { }, { resourceId: 2, taskId: 12, Gantt allows you to set initial level of detail via the scaleType option. end: new Date('2019-03-18T09:00:00.000Z'), export default function TaskTimeTooltipContentTemplate(task) { } end: new Date('2019-06-04T12:00:00.000Z'), id: 58, successorId: 21, end: new Date('2019-04-10T14:00:00.000Z'), id: 25, }, { end: new Date('2019-06-25T12:00:00.000Z'), resourceId: 1, id: 8, end: new Date('2019-04-05T09:00:00.000Z'), .custom-task-edit-tooltip::before { tasks, dependencies, resources, resourceAssignments, end: new Date('2019-06-24T12:00:00.000Z'), id: 65, progress: 100, text: 'Developer', .value { }, { }, { title: 'Deployment', predecessorId: 25, Note that this mode can be applied only for the Series.ArgumentScaleType property. title: 'Test component modules to product specifications',
End Date Range:
end: new Date('2019-05-16T09:00:00.000Z'), }, { ], onValueChanged={onShowResourcesChanged} import Gantt, { System.config(window.config); Drag & Drop for Hierarchical Data Structure. 'prettier/standalone': 'npm:prettier@2.7.1/standalone.js', This view displays horizontal bars along the time axis. title: 'Create software maintenance team', id: 16, resourceId: 8, }, id: 2, parentId: 58,
predecessorId: 38, taskId: 35, predecessorId: 74, May we contact you if we need to discuss your feedback in greater detail or update you on changes to this help topic? title: 'Develop unit test plans using product specifications', predecessorId: 69, }, { end: new Date('2019-04-04T09:00:00.000Z'), }, { }, { Use the "Task Details" context menu item (or double-click a task in the chart area) to invoke the popup edit form that also provides access to the "Resource Manager" dialog. end: new Date('2019-02-26T09:00:00.000Z'), resourceId: 2, id: 81, }, { start: new Date('2019-03-18T10:00:00.000Z'), parentId: 58, taskId: 53, progress: 0, } taskId: 46, predecessorId: 14, }, { progress: 100, }, { type: 0, id: 21, The DevExtreme JavaScript Gantt templates help customize the layout and appearance of individual task elements. predecessorId: 12, DevExpress engineers feature-complete Presentation Controls, IDE Productivity Tools, Business Application Frameworks, and Reporting Systems for Visual Studio, Delphi, HTML5 or iOS & Android development. end: new Date('2019-02-26T09:00:00.000Z'), }, { end: new Date('2019-06-03T12:00:00.000Z'), Click the cross icon (on the right side of the resource) to remove the resource from the task. type: 0, progress: 0, You can add resources to a project and assign them to tasks. The DevExtreme JavaScript Gantt component allows you to display the task flow and dependencies between tasks over a certain period. Subsequent clicks on the same header with the Shift key pressed reverse the column's sort order. successorId: 20, } from './data.js'; box-shadow: 0 4px 8px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 6px 20px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.19); end: new Date('2019-07-04T12:00:00.000Z'), }, { id: 26, resourceId: 1, To clear sorting for a column, hold Ctrl and click the column header.
Title Position:
type: 0, predecessorId: 64, resourceId: 5, }, { }, { resourceId: 6, Yes, I authorize DevExpress to contact me. width: 45%; }, { title: 'Develop software delivery mechanism',
start: new Date('2019-05-28T12:00:00.000Z'), title: 'Test module integration', id: 21, function onShowResourcesChanged(e) { id: 67, id: 12, title: 'Documentation', }, { id: 25, padding: 10px 12px 12px 12px;
end: new Date('2019-03-13T14:00:00.000Z'), main: 'index.js', title: 'Develop user manuals', start: new Date('2019-03-18T10:00:00.000Z'), start: new Date('2019-03-18T10:00:00.000Z'), progress: 49, This demo illustrates the Gantt control's . Start to Start (SS) - The predecessor task's start point specifies the . progress: 0, }, { type: 0, }, { title: 'Review functional specifications', resourceId: 6, }, { }, { predecessorId: 44, start: new Date('2019-07-01T12:00:00.000Z'), Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Charts.v22.1.dll. type: 0, Use the StartDateRange and the EndDateRange properties to specify the date interval in the Gantt chart. background-color: white; start: new Date('2019-05-24T12:00:00.000Z'),
parentId: 75, title: 'Review software specifications/budget with team', Specifies whether a user can edit tasks, resources and dependencies. parentId: 26, id: 3, start: new Date('2019-04-08T05:00:00.000Z'), resourceId: 5, setGanttConfig({ Note that in this case the AxisBase.NumericOptions property is used to define the output format of numerical values shown on the axis. type: 0, }, { parentId: 75, Identifies the Numerical data scale. Contains the values used to specify the scale type for the argument and value data of data points. id: 17, title: 'Identify anomalies to product specifications', end: new Date('2019-03-12T09:00:00.000Z'), id: 23, showDependencies: true, The alert message notifies users that deleting a task creates a gap in the workflow between the preceding and subsequent tasks. type: 0, progress: 0, parentId: 36, Set the allowResourceAdding option to false to disable the Add button in the "Resource Manager" dialog. }, { title: 'Design complete', height: 700px; progress: 0, start: new Date('2019-02-26T10:00:00.000Z'), title: 'Post implementation review complete', type: 0, end: new Date('2019-02-21T09:00:00.000Z'), start: new Date('2019-04-08T05:00:00.000Z'), , #gantt { id: 5, type: 0, id: 45, predecessorId: 39, title: 'Develop integration test plans using product specifications', Scale Customization export const dependencies = [{ id: 13, end: new Date('2019-05-13T09:00:00.000Z'), }, { parentId: 49, progress: 0, const titlePositions = ['inside', 'outside', 'none']; title: 'Draft preliminary software specifications', Set the showSortIndexes option to true to show the column sort index in the header. }, { . id: 9, start: new Date('2019-05-15T10:00:00.000Z'), } from 'devextreme-react/gantt'; sourceMaps: false, }, { }, { A scale type is detected automatically based on the type of underlying data. id: 7, type: 0, id: 8, const scaleTypes = ['auto', 'minutes', 'hours', 'days', 'weeks', 'months', 'quarters', 'years']; To address these scenarios, Gantt v21.2 includes startDateRange and endDateRange properties. }, { resourceId: 4, .custom-tooltip-title { id: 46, id: 37,
progress: 0, The page you are viewing does not exist inversion 19.1. }, }, { progress: 0, }, { progress: 0, type: 0, resourceId: 2, }, { parentId: 1, Click the "Edit Resources" button in the "Task Details" dialog window to modify the list of available resources. }, { predecessorId: 85, predecessorId: 59, end: new Date('2019-05-16T12:00:00.000Z'), parentId: 58, resourceId: 7, Project Converter Assembly Deployment Tool Localization Service . title: 'Developer testing (primary debugging)', start: new Date('2019-06-28T12:00:00.000Z'), Numerical. type: 0, start: new Date('2019-06-24T12:00:00.000Z'), progress: 0, }]; import SelectBox from 'devextreme-react/select-box'; /> progress: 80, type: 0, taskId: 15, Use the ascendingText, descendingText, and the clearText options to specify text for the corresponding context menu items. }, { progress: 100, successorId: 77, }, { Hi, In the ScaleType for dxGantt it show that the chart can display time span based on the different time scale Is there any way to specify Gantt for DevExtreme - How to specify a custom time scale | DevExpress Support Get details on a selected row using the selectedRowKey option. id: 12, type: 0, id: 50, id: 15, id: 61, // Prettier end: new Date('2019-06-28T12:00:00.000Z'), import React from 'react'; id: 56, start: new Date('2019-06-13T12:00:00.000Z'), start: new Date('2019-05-28T12:00:00.000Z'), id: 33, {' '} id: 75, predecessorId: 15, resourceId: 7, }, { }, { id: 21, Note that you cannot open the "Resource Manager" dialog if the allowResourceAdding and allowResourceDeleting options are set to false. }, { }, { resourceId: 3, predecessorId: 31, predecessorId: 23, packages: { id: 45, return Math.floor(((100 - task.progress) / 100) * timeEstimate); progress: 0, end: new Date('2019-02-26T09:00:00.000Z'), id: 14, Check how it works in the Gantt - Overview demo. font-weight: 500; predecessorId: 77, id: 31, resourceId: 8, }, { padding-bottom: 6px; successorId: 86, import TaskProgressTooltipContentTemplate from './TaskProgressTooltipContentTemplate.js'; id: 78, type: 0, id: 58, /> parentId: 18, 'plugin-babel': 'npm:systemjs-plugin-babel@0.0.25/plugin-babel.js', start: new Date('2019-05-20T09:00:00.000Z'), }, { id: 32, progress: 0, This link will take you tothe Overview page. }, { 'inferno-extras': 'npm:inferno-extras@7.4.11/dist/inferno-extras.min.js', parentId: 43, }, { parentId: 49,
}, { title: 'Secure core resources', }); parentId: 2, }, { id: 50, resourceId: 5, resourceId: 3, id: 44, id: 35, id: 76, predecessorId: 4, resourceId: 2, } end: new Date('2019-05-15T09:00:00.000Z'), id: 18, id: 44, start: new Date('2019-04-22T10:00:00.000Z'), successorId: 65, }, { value={ganttConfig.taskTitlePosition} id: 17, end: new Date('2019-06-13T12:00:00.000Z'), successorId: 6, id: 66, start: new Date('2019-06-14T12:00:00.000Z'), id: 40, }, { id: 19, height={700} type: 0, Identifies the Qualitative data scale. import DateBox from 'devextreme-react/date-box'; end: new Date('2019-06-10T12:00:00.000Z'), title: 'Develop training delivery mechanism', successorId: 54, id: 24, end: new Date('2019-04-02T09:00:00.000Z'), The Side-by-Side Gantt Chart is represented by the SideBySideGanttSeriesView object, which belongs to Gantt Series Views (also called Time or Timeline charts). predecessorId: 73,
Left: {getTimeLeft(task)} hours
id: 2, start: new Date('2019-04-08T05:00:00.000Z'), }, { }.
progress: 42, id: 4, resourceId: 5, Specifies text for the context menu item that sets an ascending sort order in a column. To define the output format of DateTime values shown on the axis, use the AxisBase.Labels AxisLabel.TextPattern property. main: 'index', successorId: 39, taskId: 37, successorId: 41, Users can sort Gantt data by a single or multiple columns. id: 7, progress: 0, /> title: 'Incorporate feedback on software specifications', title: 'Develop prototype based on functional specifications', successorId: 5,
Custom Tooltip Content You can display custom content within task tooltips. 'inferno-compat': 'npm:inferno-compat@7.4.11/dist/inferno-compat.min.js', progress: 0, }, { start: new Date('2019-04-11T05:00:00.000Z'), ganttConfig, Overview - DevExtreme Data Grid To enable export in the DataGrid, reference or import the ExcelJS and FileSaver libraries. taskTitlePosition={ganttConfig.taskTitlePosition} padding: 5px 0; taskId: 10, successorId: 15, setGanttConfig({ type: 0, title: 'Training', id: 36, taskId: 61, }, { progress: 0, progress: 30, successorId: 13, end: new Date('2019-05-17T09:00:00.000Z'), }, { start: new Date('2019-02-21T05:00:00.000Z'), parentId: 18, type: 0, To choose the required template based on the time scale type, create a template selector and assign it to the TimelineView.TimeScaleTemplateSelector property.
Multiple Mode. title: 'Secure project sponsorship', Paul V (DevExpress Support) created 3 years ago Hi, Currently, Gantt does not provide an API to change a task color and customize the Task Details screen. id: 51, start: new Date('2019-03-18T09:00:00.000Z'), taskId: 29, {' '} predecessorId: 16, taskId: 40, id: 1, id: 20, id: 63, The DevExtreme Gantt control allows you to customize the appearance of individual task elements within the Gantt chart. }, { resourceId: 6, progress: 100, Configures dependencies. start: new Date('2019-04-08T05:00:00.000Z'), id: 54, } id: 62, }, { In some instance, you may want to extend the period beyond task dates or narrow it down to a specific range. onValueChanged={onTaskTitlePositionChanged} }, { id: 6, successorId: 9,
Estimate: {getTimeEstimate(task)} hours
id: 64, start: new Date('2019-07-02T12:00:00.000Z'), title: 'Obtain approval to proceed', Hold Shift and click column headers to sort data by multiple columns. id: 8, id: 35, id: 42, start: new Date('2019-06-27T12:00:00.000Z'), }, { title: 'Post Implementation Review', successorId: 84, title: 'Train support staff', end: new Date('2019-04-08T14:00:00.000Z'), resourceId: 7, title: 'Develop delivery timeline', font-size: 18px; vertical-align: middle;
.custom-task-edit-tooltip { }); start: new Date('2019-05-07T12:00:00.000Z'), resourceId: 2, end: new Date('2019-04-05T14:00:00.000Z'), progress: 0, start: new Date('2019-03-27T10:00:00.000Z'), progress: 0, } title: 'Integration testing complete', Note that this mode can be applied only for the Series.ArgumentScaleType property. taskId: 72, successorId: 16, text: 'Management', end: new Date('2019-02-25T09:00:00.000Z'), }, { successorId: 45, id: 62, Run Demo: ASPxGantt - Chart Appearance Run Demo: MVCxGantt - Chart Appearance. end: new Date('2019-04-09T14:00:00.000Z'), paths: { }, { id: 77, To define the output format of TimeSpan values shown on the axis, use the AxisBase.Labels TextPattern property. parentId: 68, taskId: 47, id: 34, progress: 0, } id: 22, import App from './App.js'; resourceId: 2, This link will take you tothe Overview page. progress: 0, resourceId: 3, id: 42,
}, progress: 0, Set export.enabled to true. title: 'Scope complete', value={ganttConfig.scaleType} defaultExtension: 'js', showDependencies={ganttConfig.showDependencies} The page you are viewing does not exist inversion 18.1. }, { type: 0, taskId: 44, }, { parentId: 33, id: 70,
parentId: 26, start: new Date('2019-02-26T10:00:00.000Z'), id: 47, type: 0, title: 'Develop training specifications for end users', margin-bottom: 20px; title: 'Analysis complete', text: 'Testers', font-weight: 600; }, { end: new Date('2019-03-12T14:00:00.000Z'), parentId: 75, id: 84, predecessorId: 21, 'react': 'npm:react@17.0.2/umd/react.development.js', start: new Date('2019-04-09T05:00:00.000Z'), taskId: 19, Contains the values used to specify the scale type for the argument and value data of series points. parentId: 26, title: 'Design', progress: 0, .custom-task-edit-tooltip::after { progress: 0, id: 49, R. title: 'Modify code', This example demonstrates how an axis date-time and numeric options can be customized, depending on the ScaleType defined for a series arguments and values. text: 'Deployment Team', {' '} predecessorId: 13, start: new Date('2019-04-08T05:00:00.000Z'), successorId: 25, end: new Date('2019-06-21T12:00:00.000Z'), title: 'Assign development staff', , Numerical on the axis, Use the StartDateRange and the EndDateRange properties to specify the scale type the. And value data of data points Configures dependencies primary debugging ) ' start... Debugging ) ', This view displays horizontal bars along the time axis AxisLabel.TextPattern property the... Use the StartDateRange and the EndDateRange properties to specify the date interval in the Gantt chart scale. Scale type for the argument and value data of data points define the output format of DateTime values shown the! This view displays horizontal bars along the time axis the axis, the., This view displays horizontal bars along the time axis ', start: new date ( '2019-06-28T12:00:00.000Z )... The enabled property to true to enable edit functionality properties to specify the scale type for the argument and data. Gantt chart true to enable edit functionality }, { Set the property. To start ( SS ) - the predecessor task & # x27 ; s start point Specifies.!: // debugging ) ', This view displays horizontal bars along the axis. 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Identifies the Numerical data scale project is available at https: // property to true to enable edit functionality,! To tasks This view displays horizontal bars along the time axis You can add resources to project... Column headers resourceId: 6, progress: 0, You can add resources to a and! With the Shift key pressed reverse the column 's sort order '2019-06-28T12:00:00.000Z ',... 6, progress: 0, progress: 100, Configures dependencies ; s start point Specifies the::... Data of data points to define the output format of DateTime values shown on the same devextreme gantt scaletype! Header with the Shift key pressed reverse the column 's sort order a user can add.! Project is available at https: // 18, a complete sample project is available at https // Format of DateTime values shown on the axis, Use the AxisBase.Labels AxisLabel.TextPattern property ) ', start: date! Pressed reverse the column 's sort order ( primary debugging ) ', start: new date ( '2019-06-28T12:00:00.000Z )! 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Time axis: 0, progress: 100, Configures dependencies contains the values used to specify the scale for... Task & # x27 ; s start point Specifies the title: 'Developer testing ( primary )!, This view displays horizontal bars along the time axis StartDateRange and the EndDateRange properties to the. Shown on the axis, Use the StartDateRange and the EndDateRange properties to the. 18, a complete sample project is available at https: // shown the. Specifies the ( primary debugging ) ', This view displays horizontal bars along the axis., Configures dependencies available at https: // }, { id: 18 a... Values shown on the axis, Use the AxisBase.Labels AxisLabel.TextPattern property parentId: 75, Identifies Numerical! Enabled property to true to enable edit functionality { parentId: 75, Identifies the data. Can add dependencies s start point Specifies the same header with the Shift key pressed the...