Asummary of all our recommendations are compiled in Chapter 18: Conclusion, pp. Kuala Lumpur Heritage Area and Challenges The reason for the challenges regarding the heritage areas in Kuala Lumpur is that these areas had been damaged for so long by poor planning decisions and insensitive developments [4]. For example, Singapore has developed more than 40 heritage trails, andmost of them are outside its core zone e.g. Under this regulation, the buildingcondition must be in some form of disrepair; the owner must be shown to be unwilling orunable to carry out the repairs; and it must be proven that the building will be better offunder the ownership of the local authority. Off the top of our heads, areas within the city with archaeologicalpotentials may include: i) Medan Pasar the site of Kuala Lumpurs earliest town market, 1870s to 1880s. The remainder of thelow lying areas were extensively mined for tin. Under theKuala Lumpur Heritage Plan, it will be a good idea for DBKL to work closely with NGOs,schools, universities, government agencies and other heritage-related bodies to conductcomprehensive research in preserving and facilitating transmission of the citys intangibleheritage to the next generation, while encouraging it to evolve and adapt with the times.We suggest the establishment of a special museum to collect/house/preserve our cityshistorical assets and cultural heritage a Kuala Lumpur Museum.11.3 Development of cultural heritage programmes related to intangible heritage ismuch needed e.g. Make a clear difference between restoration and adaptive reuse terms as it affects the potential and limitation of a heritage building/site. Summary of Recommendations 05: Authenticity and Sensitivity 1. This framework will be then be translated in detail in the next stages of development and local planning. Results from detaileddocumentation can provide the basis for a more targeted heritage-focused recommendation.11.5 KLDSP2040: SV2.2 Increasing Active and Creative Use of Urban Space envisionsKuala Lumpur as a centre for cultural services and creative industry. 6 0 obj Looming above all these were the Police headquarters and barrackson higher ground. Jalan Raja Laut, 50350, Explore means to provide financial assistance to heritage building owners/ stakeholders who wish to conserve their properties. Safeguard local intangible cultural heritage values via local community involvement in determining the direction of future developments.29Image: Heritage Output Lab 9a Old terrace houses at JalanImage: Google Maps, 2020 Brunei, off Jalan Pudu, built circa 1920s with face brick finish around the windows, were recently gutted for development. Development plan as the name suggests guide the location of development with criteria based policies.. Long-term benefits to stakeholders/owners of heritage buildings remain vague as the currentpublic incentive packages lack innovation and are deemed unattractive to them. Introduce planning policies that are supportive of urban archaeology with possible placement under the recommended Goal 3: Rooted in Heritage. Kuala Lumpur is set to embark on a new journey to the future through its new KL City Plan 2020 - 2040. The focus is usually the end destination 15km away, Batu Caves. Theseexemptions however do not outline specific terms to retain heritage buildings, and were notbrought forward to KLDSP2040.6.4 We would like to extend the idea of Force-Acquirement for neglected heritagebuildings. Archaeological documentation could enlarge the prospect of such a place, contributing not only towards historical tourism, but more so to understand Kuala Lumpurs past societies. Study of its construction and GPR scanning to determine its original route suggested. Reconfirm labels in KLDSP2040: IP1.2; Figure 3.16. As such, we recommend a baselinecultural map of Kuala Lumpurs neighbourhoods and suburban areas to be conducted, toascertain and document their cultural characteristics.12.4.2 We propose for a belt of heritage tourism trails and routes in Kuala Lumpur to centrearound public rail transportation. Akta ini memerlukan Datuk Bandar menyediakan pelan pembangunan bagi memandu pembangunan di Kuala Lumpur. iv. To consider introducing a public-transport based commuter belt of heritage tourism trails and routes. The Draft Kuala Lumpur Structure Plan 2040 has been issued by DBKL. Aras 5,8-16 dan 18 , Kompleks Kementerian Komunikasi dan Multimedia, No. v. Method study on local building restoration/repair/maintenance. should be conserved.13.3.4 The hills play an important role in connecting people to nature and providingopportunities for education. Petaling Early Cemeteries 2 08 Railway Land 13 Bukit Nanas Forest Reserve 09 Sports Parkof KLDSP2040, we recommend for heritage protection, strengthening and enhancementto be given priority by setting it as one of the Structure Plans primary goals, organised in thefollowing order*, bringing it to a total of 7 goals:Goal 1: Innovative and Productive (urban economic development)Goal 2: Inclusive and Equitable (inclusive community)Goal 3: Rooted in Heritage (heritage protection, strengthening and enhancement)Goal 4: Integrated and Sustainable Development (land use planning)Goal 5: Healthy and Vibrant (green areas, open land and urban design)Goal 6: Climate Smart and Low Carbon (environmental aspects and low carbon practice)Goal 7: Efficient and Environmentally Friendly Mobility (public transport and traffic management)*Note shuffling of goal sequence.1.5 Goal 3: Rooted in Heritage will bring an anchor to Kuala Lumpurs heritage identity assomething to be shared and cherished by the citys residents. Summary of Recommendations 12: Cultural Urban Tourism 1. Give emphasis on authenticity and sensitivity in guidelines. They can be developed and promoted as cultural tourism destinationsin order to encourage visits by residents, domestic tourists, lengthen visitors stays, increaserepeat visitations and distribute more of the economic benefits generated outside the centraltourism zones. John KohAr. . 3. Special attention for its biodiversity conservation has to bepaid to these hills (Bukit Petaling, Bukit Seputeh, Bukit Persekutuan, Bukit Kiara and BukitNanas) because of their high importance for nature conservation, catchment areas andbiodiversity. Data digital CPS boleh diperolehi dengan membuat permohonan rasmi kepada: Apakah data-data perancangan yang disimpan di dalam CPS? A Creative Disctrict would encourage self-organised places of artistic and culturalproductions to participate directly in city politics. The process undertaken 7. Include the cultural and creative tourism community e.g. A heritage plan in place would have imposed clear design guidelines e.g. Lee Kong Chian: Significance & Recommendations 93C JWNs List of Heritage Buildings in KL, 2018 99 3OverviewA review exercise was undertaken by ICOMOS Malaysia to assess heritage policiespublished in the Kuala Lumpur City Plan 2020 (KLCP2020), gazetted in November 2018and the Kuala Lumpur Draft Structure Plan 2040 (KLDSP2040), launched in February 2020.Twelve ICOMOS Malaysia members and associates of diverse professional backgroundsformed an expert committee that met from October 2019 to April 2020. Kwang Tung Cemetery < to check boundary and include other historic cemeteries in the area. It is essential for HIAs to be included as an important element in theplanning process, to be implemented before a development takes place. 2. Heritage Impact Assessment/Statement to be made compulsory for all types of heritage buildings/sites. Add three heritage schools along Jalan Hang Jebat into KLCCD. 4 0 obj Werecommend that the boundary be extended to the historical Bukit Persekutuan being anarea of old government housing quarters that were part of Lake Gardens-Carcosas earlydevelopment. Introduce 100% minimum Tax Exemption for conservation/restoration of heritage buildings. ii. There has been an upsurge of interestamong the public towards the history of Kuala Lumpur of late, however there isnt a centralinstitution that is able to provide full range assistance.2.1.3 It is only appropriate for DBKL, as the custodian of Kuala Lumpurs heritage, to takethe lead as the reliable source in matters concerning the citys early formation and planninghistory. It has an impressive number ofspecies, including mammals, amphibians, birds, moths and butterflies and forest species offlora with rare plants, endemic trees [Biodiversity Survey by MNS, 2008]. Loke Yew Cemetery < to check official name Loke Yew Family Graveyard/Loke Yew Memorial. Manual saliran mesra alam by all. Aras 5,8-16 dan 18 , Kompleks Kementerian Komunikasi dan Multimedia, No. You can share this podcast by copying this HTML to your clipboard and pasting into your blog or web page. $.' Although it is indeed a successfulretail catalyst to the area, quite a number of renovation works carried out removedoriginal features and detailing, unreflective of what the paragraph describes The Row tobe building facade physical restoration. Emphasise on sensitivity towards existing heritage/historical elements when addressing new design interventions. In fact, many of the tourist productsshould take the approach of for residents first and for tourists, second.12.3 Making Authentic Culture the Driving Force of Urban Tourism12.3.1 One of the 6 tourism product categories mentioned is Culture and Heritage. iii) The Bukit Nanas Tunnel a human-made earthen tunnel partially discovered in 2014, believed to have been constructed during the Klang War (1872-1873). THE social demographics of Kuala Lumpur are changing and the Kuala Lumpur Structure Plan 2040 (KLSP2040) will play a critical role in ensuring the city's development complements its new social landscape. Dr. Goh Ai TeeAr. Bring forward documents/materials that would bind the community together into public domain. The city is located in west-central Peninsular (West) Malaysia, midway along the west coast tin and rubber belt and about 25 miles (40 km) east of its ocean port, Port Kelang, on the Strait of Malacca. The Kuala Lumpur Heritage Plan will raiseawareness and pride among the citys residents, apart from fostering an understanding ofwhat makes Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur so as to protect it, not break it apart.1.7 Attention must be given to the national monuments and heritage sites that arerelated to the formation of the country, e.g. Kl Structure Plan 2020 Pdf : Kl Structure Plan 2020 Pdf Pdf Gross Domestic Product Infrastructure byAlpen Dominic-February 24, 2022 0 this paper discusses the contribution of the kuala lumpur structure plans 1984 and 2020 towards the development of green networks. KualaLumpurs old town centres are facing serious threats of losing their local characteristicsdue to the massive regeneration/development schemes that have taken place withinand around their surroundings. We suggest for the timeline to also cover the expansion of KualaLumpurs boundaries in the 1920s and 1950s; the citys master plan conceived by CharlesReade in the 1920s; the Municipality status received in 1948 (the first in FMS); the eradicationof squatters and construction of public housing in the 1960s-1980s; and under the heading1984-1990s, make mention of Menara Maybank being the tallest building in Kuala Lumpurduring that period as this building too reflects the image of a World Class City. Maklumat ini perlu dibaca bersama-sama dengan Kaedah-Kaedah (Perancangan) (Kelas Kegunaan Tanah dan Bangunan) Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur 2018 yang menerangkan penggunaan dan aktiviti yang dibenarkan dan yang tidak dibenarkan bagi tanah dan bangunan untuk setiap Zon Guna Tanah. March bands have long been popular among local schools and associations. Think Citys grant covered approximately 30% of the facade restoration costs. Summary of Recommendations 01: Kuala Lumpur the Heart of the Nation 1. The spatial functions and engineeringloading were designed and calculated for their initial purposes. Kuala Lumpur has a unique narrative that is under appreciated, and we riskundervaluing lessons learned long ago if we continue our lackdaisical attitude towardsthe citys history. These goals are the framework for draft. Get in touch with the folks from Selamatkan KL through their Facebook page, or you can email them at and copy as well in that correspondence. Following the countrys1st general elections in 1955, members of the Federal Legislative Council convened in KualaLumpur, continued by Parliament members from 1959 onwards. For a great number of reasons, the interest and passionis lost on us and so traditional knowledge/practices are fast dissapearing. Aspect of sources suchas form and design, may include those from material and substance, use and function,traditions and techniques, location and setting, spirit and feeling; and other internal/externalfactors. Kuala Lumpur, capital of Malaysia. 5 0 obj CPS akan memudahkan perkongsian maklumat berkaitan Kawalan Pembangunan dan Perancangan di . The Inventory of OldBuildings in that chapter however only mentions those in need of reactivation. Produce policies to allow spatial accommodations that support the citys urban culture e.g. It is Kuala Lumpurs heritage character that sets itapart from the rest we strongly recommend the insertion of a new goal, Rooted in Heritage,that addresses heritage protection, strengthening and enhancement. 20 France Listed historic monuments that are open to the public can deduct 100% of expenses (including maintenance, loan interest and property taxes) while those not open to the public can deduct 50%. Germany Donations to foundations for the restoration of heritage buildings are tax deductible up to 10% of total income. Japan Grants to owners of historic properties to install fire-prevention facilities. Netherlands Property owners subscribe to regular inspection services. This and more than 60,000 other podcasts in your hand. Include Angkasapuri building on Kuala Lumpurs heritage list and ensure itsconservation in the Media City plans.Heritage Schools10. Kuala lumpur structure plan 2020logos definitionkuala lumpur structure plan 2020 will be used for 20 years until the year 2020. These trails focus not only on early history, but also the history anddevelopment since the 1940s right up to present day. A complete database for Kuala Lumpurs tangible and intangible heritage. Include an overall statement of Kuala Lumpurs heritage architecture, its values and significance in KLDSP2040. Indera Syahrul Mat RadzuanMariana IsaReviewersFaisal Abd. hawkers centre, religious processions, march band competitions. 12b The popular outdoor street dining off Jalan Pudu, located less than 1km away from the Pudu LRT Station is a popular attraction for domestic and resident tourists but seldom promoted as a local food destination. 5. 3. We have identified the need for a paradigm shift in urbanconservation among stakeholders, to move away from beautification projects towardsregeneration of heritage values, achievable by maintaining the sense of place of these oldtowns. There may not bemany skilled tradesmen around due to the current change for uses of manufactured itemsand practices. Establish a Kuala Lumpur Museum. Whereestablished areas are totally redeveloped, its new streets or building names ought to linkwith the areas history. Unit KLGIS, However, these are notnecessarily extended to DBKL to grant for the protection of heritage buildings.7.4 Where cultural heritage incentives are lacking, such schemes implemented in othercities e.g. "It is a big challenge as the area is the focus of the private sector to be developed into residential areas. ",#(7),01444'9=82. Data-data yang disimpan dan dipaparkan di dalam CPS ialah Guna Tanah Semasa, Guna Tanah Komited, Zon Guna Tanah dan Intensiti (kepadatan dan nisbah plot), Zon Kawalan Ketinggian, Koridor Tepian Sungai, Zon Warisan dan Zon Perancangan Transit, data sektoral dan sebagainya seperti yang telah ditetapkan oleh Pelan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur 2020 (PBRKL 2020) ke atas setiap lot tanah di Kuala Lumpur. It should be worth to note that currently the bulk of international touristscoming to Malaysia are mass tourists through packaged tours. Conservation Management Plans for heritage buildings/areas. Structure plan policies into an individual lot land use. 6. Such lack ofemphasis prompts us to express concerns about the protection of the citys heritage identityfor Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) to take into serious consideration.In total, we found 20 subchapters in KLDSP2040 with direct references on the citys built,natural and cultural heritage: albeit most being supplementary objectives/complimentarymentions. PPB3 Neighbourhood Plan PPB6 Kuala Lumpur City Communications Plan IP1.2 Making Kuala Lumpur an Urban Tourism Destination by Improving Tourism Sectors Value Added Activities Empowering Kuala Lumpur as a Cultural and Creative City IP1.3 Driving Entrepeneurship Development for Urban Economic Growth IP1.6 Providing a Variety of Affordable Premises for Entrepreneurs and Professionals IP2.3 Strengthening Kuala Lumpurs role as a Global City IP3.1 Intensifying the Regeneration of Old Established Housing Areas IS.1.4 Increasing the Green Intensity of Kuala Lumpur SV1.3 Increasing Active and Creative Use of Urban Space SV2.2 Re-beautifying Strategic Areas of Kuala Lumpur SV2.3 Green Network and City Heritage SV3 Promoting the Implementation of Kuala Lumpur Heritage Trail SV3.3 Providing Urban Design Guidelines SV4.3 Encouraging Infill Development in High Demand Areas BM1.2 Regeneration of Old Areas BM2 Improving Quality and Reactivating Old Areas through Area Improvement BM2.1 Programs Creating Development Opportunities in Urban Renewal Areas Re-Enabling Function of Old Buildings BM2.2 Planning Quality Development in Traditional Villages and Other Villages BM2.3 BM5.2 4While the policies stated in the 20 subchapters are sound, they come across rather generic applicable to any other city in the world. These landowners are given an option under municipal zoning to legally sever thedevelopment rights from their land and sell these rights to another landowner or a real estatedeveloper for use at a different location. The plan also aims to develop the city's competitiveness in the sharing, digital and creative economy, improve its digital infrastructure, and for it to be a carbon-neutral city by 2050. and set direction for all otherplanning aspects. The Government is seemingly in favour of holding it at the countrys new administrative capital, Putrajaya. Malayan Airlines Limited flew its first flight out of Kuala Lumpur Airport in Sungai Besi. Also known as KLSP2040, this draft is a planning document that will guide KL's physical development over the next 20 years. A special heritage plan for the national monumentswill help create a tangible platform for nation building and empower the custodians of ournational monuments.1.8 Bukit Persekutuan probably has the largest remaining group of a building typologyfrom the period following the Japanese Occupation, marking the formation of the Federationof Malaya leading to the countrys Independence. The findings could assist urban planners and designers better public parks by considering accessibility and permeability aspects of design. Sin Sze Si Ya Temple Precinct; Masjid India & Bunus Precinct.These we assume form the anchors of each precinct and urge that adequate financialassistance/heritage incentives be provided to each religious institutions to conserve, repairand maintain their historic structures.8.6 Heritage Building Classification8.6.1 KLDSP2040: IP1.3; Figure 3.17 presents two heritage building classifications, i) JWNsHeritage Class and ii) DBKLs Heritage Class implying to the different regulations/guidelinesimposed by the two agencies.