Tenure security influences the sharing of benefits from agricultural activities among different individuals and groups, within . Solving land issues is on the radar of the G8, has been reflected in the adopted Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure and, after a successful lobbying . A better understanding of the relationships between violence and perceptions of tenure security will help develop targeted policies and interventions that safeguard and strengthen tenure security during and after conflict. One of the key GLTN instruments is the Continuum of Land Rights, a powerful alternative concept and approach to simply focusing on the titling of individually held private property. This paper was written for the course Spatiality & Justice in Urban Governance. gender-responsive land tools that contribute to land reform, good land governance, inclusive land administration, sustainable land management, and functional land sector coordination. The tenuous nature of our often quoted 70% insecurity of tenure statistic highlights the challenge for the land sector to design and implement global land indicators and monitoring frameworks associated with land governance and land tenure security that are based on feasible data sources and data collection strategies. Secure land tenure is important for slum dwellers as an authentic recognition of their residential status in urban areas. Participatory Enumeration for Tenure Security. Equitable access to land and tenure security for IFAD's target groups are essential for rural development and poverty eradication. , Those who own or control the land they work on are more likely to invest insustainable land management practices such as tree planting and soil conservation. Land tenure security implies the certainty that a persons land rights will be acknowledged and secured in cases of certain difficulties. In all cultures land holds fundamental traditional, religious and social value. Yet, the land is more than just a plot on which food and raw materials can be cultivated, livestock pastured, or plants and roots gathered. The land sector has not been good at monitoring progress of the global initiatives in fighting insecurity of land governance and tenure, but now there is no hiding. Insecure tenure is seen to heighten vulnerability against growing demand for land for residential purposes and working space in urban areas while in the rural areas insecure tenure militates . If land users are worried that their land may be driven out, tenure instability can lead to conflicts in conjunction with the threat of expulsion. In particular, our theoretic framework model introduces tenure insecurity in a dynamic context. Around the world millions of people, communities, and businesses lack clear, secure rights to the land, resources, and property they use, occupy, and depend on for individual livelihoods and community stability. However, they are a long-term objective. The rights along the continuum may be documented or undocumented, formal as well as informal, for individuals and groups, including pastoralists and residents of slums and other settlements that may be legal or not legal. . They may even lose those rights, resulting in eviction. Many of these farms operate in conditions where there areunequal land rights. Among the highlights of our recent results are that we: Find out about career opportunities at USAID. PARTNER BLOG: Land and Climate Conversations, Free online courses at the KRIHS WORLD CAMPUS starting Nov. 14th Dec. 31st, 2022, Celebrating accelerated land reforms in Nepal: Implementing new legislation to improve land rights for the landless and tenure security for all Nepali, Recognizing slum dwellers land rights in Uganda, Meet the Partner: Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements (KRIHS). , Although many of the 608 million family farms are run by men and women, the lawsor customs in more than half of the worlds countries hinder womens ownership andaccess to land. In the short term, simplified record techniques and procedures need to be set up that are compatible with existing land information management systems (LIMS), if any, and can be incrementally improved over time and integrated into LIMS operating at district, city and national levels (technical obstacles, access to or updating of land-related information, and cost incurred). Insecurity of tenure. An accurate enumeration of conditions for tenure security is a prerequisite to: Even when titles or deeds have been issued and formally registered, land transactions or transfers may not be systematically recorded, or are recorded in registers that are not properly kept or updated. Interventions with an aim to increase species diversity can deliver positive dividends for food and nutrition security. It is against this backdrop that five major issues surrounding land tenure, and rights, This block type should be used Rigorously tested different approaches through high-quality impact evaluations to determine the most effective methods and improve program design and learning. Land tenure security is, therefore, an . This land is under a deed system and is considered private propertyor freehold. Creating knowledge through scientific research, geospatial analysis, and pilot projects to identify and disseminate emerging trends, evidence, and best practice. It presented a paper at the World Bank Land and Poverty Conference 2016 on the results of five continuum research and development projects, the presentation of a Master Class on the continuum at the same conference, and the publication of the Framework for Evaluating Continuum of Land Rights Scenarios. Uses have included contributions to policy and legal reform; changes in land administration practice; advocacy, teaching, training & research; capacity development for land practitioners; and community participation and action. But land tenure security is not static. With the support of GLTN partners, Namibia is in the process of passing regulations and making institutional arrangements for the establishment of a Flexible Land Tenure System incorporating a broader spectrum of land rights in urban areas. . Elements of the continuum of land rights in practice can be found in many contexts. Land tenure for all men, women, indigenous peoples is not just a question ofhuman rights, but an issue that impacts biodiversity, food security, and migration. Uncategorized Land scarcity. However, recognizing the decision-making power of customary systems and authorities may have serious implications for womens land rights and those of the poor, as land allocation and dispute settlement tend to be dominated by elites, usually men. Land tenure is the relationship, whether legally or customarily defined, between people (individuals or groups) and land. It exists along a spectrum from strong to weak with numerous factors moving the needle between the two. Abstract. Within GLTN, a large majority of GLTN partners regard the continuum as highly relevant to their work, and a similar proportion has practically applied it. They also encompass collective use rights, for example at the community or village level. They may even lose those rights, resulting in eviction. Yet, this is thesituation for millions oflaborersand farmers around the world, who will neverown the land they work on. Land tenure for all - men, women, indigenous peoples - is not just a question of human rights, but an issue that impacts biodiversity, food security, and migration. The continuum provides for recognition and an increase in security across the spectrum, with the opportunity for movement between numerous tenure forms. Customary tenure, including communal tenure, is critical in both rural and urban areas. They work through individuals who have received their land rights from a customary system, but who treat these rights as market commodities. State: The rights to land are appointed to a public sector authority. Building local capacities and skills to plan, lead, and manage their own development. U.S. Agency for International Development, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility, Environmental and Natural Resource Management Framework, Tropical Forest and Coral Reef Conservation Act, USAID Land Tenure Infographic October-2016, Creating incentives to improve agricultural productivity, reducing hunger and poverty, Promoting gender equality and enabling womens economic empowerment, Developing more efficient and stable tax systems that enable greater domestic resource mobilization and improve countries abilities to invest in their own development, Creating incentives to manage valuable natural resources more efficiently and sustainably, which also mitigates criminal exploitation and transnational crime, Improving resilience to shocks and disasters. As we examined in Part One there is still a lack of hard data about the extent of legally documented property rights globally. Identify and develop global norms for secure tenure. The Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) is an alliance of international partners contributing to poverty alleviation through increased access to land and tenure security for all. Tenure insecurity with agricultural land under the HRS is exacerbated by the risk of land expropriation for urban expansion and infrastructure development (TAO AND XU,2007). The Global Land Tool Network - Facilitated by. Relationships regarding land tenure may be properly defined and binding in a court of law or via customary practices in a community. The main challenge from land tenure insecurity is to drive a diversity of actions towards the common purpose of simplifying, modernising, and making land tenure management more accessible, transparent, and accountable, especially to the urban poor, as well as more efficient and effective. Make a general inquiry or suggest an improvement. . This paper uses unique household survey data to identify the sources of land tenure insecurity in Burkina Faso and estimate their economic impacts. Learn more in: Counter-Mapping Practices in Land Regularization Through . Partnered directly with U.S. businesses to address land and property risks in their supply chains overseas. Land tenure relationships may be well-defined and enforceable in a formal court of law or through customary structures in a community. Crucially, it would require a political environment that recognizes the need for tenure security to everyone, including those who are poor and marginalized. WordPress Download Manager - Best Download Management Plugin. Tenure security is important to promote rural resilience and climate change adaptation , build endowments of assets, and provide adequate housing. So what is security of tenure? Meanwhile, practical use of the continuum concept by partners has continued. Land policy reforms and interventions that strengthen land tenure security for both men and women are likely to contribute positively to . This means that it is unique to every group or community and its peculiarities, although there may be similarities in all the groups. In addition, GIZ argued that: The wider spectrum of land tenure can further be demonstrated at the continuum of land rights. Perhaps surprisingly, we found that rates of tenure insecurity are highest in stable, oil-rich Gulf countries like Kuwait (41 per cent), the United Arab Emirates (38 per cent), and Saudi Arabia (38 per cent). Open access is slightly different from communal access because the latter excludes non-members of the community from accessing the common areas. Land tenurethe formal and informal relationship individuals and groups form with landeffectively determines who uses what land under which conditions. For most poor people in sub-Saharan Africa, the Pacific and some parts of Indonesia, low-income demand for land is overwhelmingly met by informal delivery systems, which combine customary practices with other informal and formal practices. Today, many indigenous communities live in a situation of land tenure insecurity (FAO 2009).Without secure land rights they are exposed to involuntary land loss and can simultaneously become victims to the deterioration of their natural habitat through large-scale resource extraction or development projects (Agyepong 2013; DFID 2009).Customary land rights and community conservation areas could . In support of this more open, inclusive land tenure approach, a survey conducted by the Terwilliger Centre for Innovation in Shelter for HfHIs of 83 financial institutions practising housing microfinance found compelling evidence of the continuum of land rights, suggesting that a formal versus informal perspective toward land rights is too simplistic in practice. We find that tenure security perceptions play a significant role in household migration decisions in villages without well-functioning land rental markets but not in . During his five year tenure as the president of the Bank until 2019, the Bank's profit doubled to over half a billion birr, while its paid-up capital skyrocketed from a little less than one billion birr to 2.5 billion birr. 2021. Enumerations are a fundamental part of the slum upgrading process. One way in which land tenure is impacted by conflict is through peoples perceptions of the security of their tenure under the cloud of conflict and the risks it brings. So, what is land tenure security? This alarming figure represents a fundamental barrier for the poor to overcome many of their most pressing challenges: poverty, hunger, conflict, violence, poor governance, and lack of economic opportunity. It can be used alongside and in support of, among other things, the Continuum of Land Rights, the Social Tenure Domain Model and the Gender Evaluation Criteria. This means that a wide range of access and usage rights exists between the two poles of formal and informal land rights and systems. It is a form of holding land that follows the customary norms and practices of a particular community or group. Land tenure is the relationship, whether legally or customarily defined, between people (individuals or groups) and land. Furthermore, the survey results revealed that institutions will accept many types of land documents, ranging in formality, in lieu of a title (Habitat for Humanity, The 2015-16 State of Housing Microfinance: A Review of the Housing Microfinance Practice Around the Globe, p.9). A theory of tenure insecurity I shall define tenure insecurity as the risk of being evicted from a parcel of land. Among other critical issues, strengthening land tenure and property rights systems is essential for: Strengthening land tenure and property rights is also important for: Across 23 countries, USAID partners with governments, businesses, and communities to support efforts to make property rights and land governance systems--both formal and informal--more effective, transparent, stable, and fair. These rights are bestowed on them by nature, inheritance, culture and law. Open access: Nobody owns specific rights; neither can anyone be excluded. For archived content, visit worldbank.org , promote rural resilience and climate change adaptation, Do countries have immune systems? For example, some pasture lands in the community may be used by all the members of a community to graze cattle. Those with insecure tenure stand at risk of having their rights to land challenged by competing claims. Land Tenure Insecurity, Marginalization and Urban Injustice. It concerns business tenancies and is essentially a statutory right which allows tenants to apply for a new tenancy on similar terms as the existing tenancy when it expires. In short, those with ownership of land are more likely to stay and care for it, whichresults in a range of economic, social, and ecosystem benefits. There are608 million family farms around the world, occupying between 70 and 80percent of the world's farmland and producingaround 80 percent of the world'sfood in value terms. This would imply that land rich households should be more tenure insecure. LandLinks | USAID's knowledge sharing platform focused on land tenure . Rapid economic development, combined with high population density, has created high demand for rural land to be used for urban expansion and infrastructure projects. The most appropriate form/s depends on context. in "unccd one column" section with "Full width" option enabled, This block type should be used in "unccd one column" section with "Full width" option enabled, 608 million family farms around the world, occupying between 70 and 80, percent of the world's farmland and producing, Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure. This brief presents recent illustrations based on news media accounts of customary and state institutional overlap, planning and service delivery gaps, conversion of customary to leasehold land tenure, risks to public lands, and an inadequate land information system each of which contributes to peri-urban tenure insecurity. The effect of tenure insecurity on the adoption of soil conservation measures is analyzed by estimating the following equation: (1) inv ij = + d ij + z ij + x i + ij The dependent variable, invij is a binary variable and indicates the presence of soil conservation measures on plot j belonging to household i. , Land tenure is about the relationship between people andthe land, and how local laws and customs define that relationship. Jos Luis Vzquez Navarro. A key challenge is how to make sure that the information produced by an enumeration exercise is also used to strengthen security of tenure through state recognition, and for use in physical planning. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Land tenure refers to the relationship between people and land, from a legal or general perspective. For instance, some countries have forest lands that fall under the state mandate, at a central or decentralised government level. Fear of land loss and subsistence is a potentially strong cause for political mobilization. It is multi-dimensional, bringing into play social, technical, economic, institutional, legal and political aspects that are often ignored but must be taken into account. This generation, having inherited land from the previous generations, has also inherited the challenges associated with land.