This essay has been submitted by a student. So, why should we protect endangered species? Ecosystems like mangroves reduce the impact of hurricanes and cyclones, and protect our coastlines. And, rhinos are considered a keystone species. Plants and animals maintain the health of an ecosystem. Pay the writer only for a finished, plagiarism-free essay that meets all your requirements. Almost a million genera have already been identified. These funds can help protect endangered species and control invasive species that can have a detrimental effect on the environment. While it can stimulate protection of the species that produce these compounds, it can also lead to over-exploitation. Many countries have laws but a lot of them have been broken because they lack enforcement. In the end, Biosphere 2 was a disaster and underlined how reliant we still are on the natural world. Students who find it difficult to write detailed essays. We don't tolerate people mooching off the government and people are obviously more valuable than animals, so why waste the funds on it? . You can order an original essay written according to your instructions. This organisation worked alongside the government to establish protective regulations that are still in place today. We need a big group of researchers to find new types of animals or species to discover them before they become extinct. We have experts for any subject. According to a 2006 report released by the World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF), increased tourism to community-managed wildlife parks in Namibia has resulted in greater wages for local communities and increased profits forcommunity-owned enterprises. Heres why. Why should we Protect Endangered Species Essay. Instead, scientists have been trying to estimate the economic value of ecosystem services: services that nature provides to human communities, such as pollination by insects and flood mitigation by mangroves. Do animals in zoos get . For instance, Biosphere 2 was built in the 1990s in Arizona, largely funded by billionaire Edward Bass. In light of the above, the the amount of species becoming extinct is rapidly increasing, and laws must be enforced swiftly and effectively, before this problem worsens. Climate change and rising sea levels: 5 Pacific Islands that no longer exist, How you can help protect marine life while diving, The value of international work experience, Heres why citizen science is important, and how you can contribute. We Only Have One Earth As Our Home 2. At that time birds were not found, which made the Europeans travel through the land to discover those strange chirping sounds and more. Don't use plagiarized sources. Hence, China set up the Giant Panda Protection Network in 2003, and though the population of pandas has increased, it is still believed to be under 2 thousand. Wildlife is a precious gift from God for this planet. This happened because the elk population, which are usually hunted by wolves, were able to graze freely and more heavily on the plants that were also needed by beavers to survive during winter. Not all endangered animals are charismatic, though. Animals and Pets Anime Art Cars and Motor Vehicles Crafts and DIY Culture, Race, and Ethnicity Ethics and Philosophy Fashion Food and Drink History Hobbies Law Learning and Education Military Movies Music Place Podcasts and Streamers Politics Programming Reading, . The absence of vultures also hit the livestock-carcass dumps. It travels through the Reptile Room, as a Corn Snake coils up and lays down on warm fluorescent light heated stones. your personal assistant! You may choose to argue for its reform or revocation, as long as your work is supported by scientific literature and cited as such. Why should we Protect Endangered Species Essay. If we allow our environment to become contaminated, we risk our own health.'' (Endangered Species Coalition) Some people believe that we don't need to protect endangered animals because the ''impulse to conserve for conservation's sake has taken on an unthinking, unsupported, unnecessary urgency. This is because in Thailand, Asian elephants were historically used as part of the workforce, in the logging industry and the military, as well as for cultural celebrations. Read more We've found 7 essays on Endangered Species Essay examples Essay topics information Climate change, which can affect the nesting sites and the temperature of the sand (warmer sand temperatures mean more female turtles). And we also need to buy environmentally friendly goods. Protecting species should not be about the amount of money being wasted but should come from having the knowledge of what each species role is and how it impacts our everyday life. 415 students ordered this very topic and got . Home / Essay Samples / Environment / Human Impact / Endangered Species / Why Should We Protect Endangered Species, Environmental Protection, Earth & Nature, Human Impact, Conservation of Forest, Coral Reef, Endangered Species. Why Should We Protect Endangered Species Essay: Con 14 A college degree is no guarantee of workplace benefits. We can help you get a better grade and deliver your task on time! Many species, like bees, contain important inherited material that is needed to maintain crops. And the consequences can be critical. And the consequences can be critical. As we begin a new year, lets look at why we should save endangered species: should we save them for their sake, or should we protect them because we need them for our own well-being? Even though plants are not the only source of medicine, there are multiple animals that are medically used like a scorpion venom is used by researchers for a brain tumor or a vipers venom to control blood pressure. What Will Happen if Endangered Species Become Extinct? I will let you continue having other relationships and I will continue believing your lies. In todays society, some medical practices use fish scales on burned victims to help cure faster and not acquire any infections during the healing process. Strict laws are essential to preserve wildlife and the shrinking amount of biodiversity in ecosystems. Holding federal agencies and others accountable for complying with laws protecting rare and endangered species using cooperation, persuasion, andwhere necessarylitigation. Grazers, like rhinos, play a critical role in keeping the ecosystem balanced. Why should we protect threatened and endangered species? Some people would use many kind of animals to take their leather and use to it as clothes, bags, and shoes. It tripled it, In prioritizing conservation, animal culture should be a factor, study says, Young forests can help heal tropical aquatic ecosystems: Study, Java communities rally as clock ticks on cleanup of worlds dirtiest river, Cursed dam project in orangutan habitat claims 16th life in less than 2 years, In Laos, a very dangerous dam threatens an ancient world heritage site, Balis new highway project sparks concerns about agriculture and conservation areas. Plants and animals maintain the health of an ecosystem. There are around 41,000 endangered species, and around 16,000 of them are on the edge of extinction. Get your custom essay from professional writers. Check out GVIs other sea turtle conservation projects in, Despite their importance to the ecosystem, black rhinos in South Africa are listed as. If extinctions are indeed natural, then should we pour in so much money to save all possible endangered animals and plants? A GVI volunteer measures the turtle in Giannitsochori, Greece. The Brazilian Amazon is full of nature; explorers are finding new species of animals every day. As of now, it is estimated that the rate of extinction is 100-1,000 times faster than the expected rate of natural extinction.The UN has done many things regarding the preservation of endangered species. Here are 10 ways you can make a difference for endangered species: Reduce And Reuse. For the cost of feeding a tiger for a day, you could feed 40 children for a month. Elephants also spread the seeds of the plants they eat, which promotes plant growth and biodiversity. There should be a group of engineers to have ideas on what we should do to find new species, and what they should make to make it easier to gather information for the researchers. Researchers say the best way to protect endangered species is for humans to protect the special places where they stay. Species being extinct can affect our ecosystem because of the duties each of them may have. For Recreation. In India, for instance, vultures help dispose off the carcasses of livestock that are otherwise not eaten. Do you know why there are so many Green building is not only a wise choice for our future; it is also a necessary choice. Another reason we should have safe habitats is because the animals in these safe habitats cannot be hunted and are also safe from predators. CONSERVATION REVIEWSIf youd like to find out what the experience of joining a GVI project is really like, simply contact us and well put you in touch with one of our many Alumni. People should know that animals and plants are creature that have the right to live in peace. In some instances, conservation agencies also support rural infrastructure around protected areas, establishinghealth care centers, schools, and drinking water schemes. A balanced ecosystem also provides us with plants that have medicinal properties. In opening hours, you will be contacted by us within a few minutes. For example, when grey wolves were hunted to near-extinction in the United States Yellowstone National Park, the beaver population also decreased significantly. To get a custom and plagiarism-free essay. Agriculture also plays an important role in the protection of species. Ecosystems are groups of plants and animals that are found in the same area and interact with each other. Dispose Of Waste Properly. The expansion of agriculture is one thing that aids in the loss of species and habitats. To help discover new animals or species, engineers could make a drone that could detect thermal energy and records what the drone is seeing even if it is in a dark place, the camera could have a night vision mode when it becomes dark. Surprisingly, there are approximately 30,000 kinds of them in the world. Wildlife must be able to find water, shelter, and raise their young. 1. And if you have a different career in mind, youll still pick up other valuable skills like teamwork and leadership. How to Protect Endangered Animals Essay Help! Thats why, when you contribute to the conservation efforts of endangered species, youre also contributing towards humans well-being. To maintain a healthy ecological balance on this land animals plants and marine species are as important as humans. "Why Should We Protect Endangered Species" Get High-quality Paper helping students since 2016 Despite many conclusions has been made in favor of extinction prevention concepts, practices still displayed that environmental consideration is a little "unpopular" if not highly discriminated by other ideas. Governments, non-profit organisations, international organisations, local communities and individuals are working together to contribute towards growing the populations of endangered species. To answer this question, scientists have been trying to find out what nature is worth. For the first time, China is strictly enforcing a ban regarding endangered animals. according to the IUCN. . Inless than adecade, populations of long-billed, slender-billed and oriental white-backed vultures in India plummeted from around 40 million birds in the 1990s to fewer than 100,000 birds, crashing by more than 99.9 percent in some places. The first group of men and women remained sealed inside Biosphere 2 for two years between 1991 and 1993. You can make an impact by learning and raising awareness about endangered species in your area and across the world. Make sure your essay is plagiarism-free or hire a writer to get a unique paper crafted to your needs. For some of us, though, saving species is about doing the right thing morally and ethically. Why should we save species from going extinct? Without intervention, the health and balance of these ecosystems can be lost. Asian elephants are listed as endangered by the IUCN. A closed system, Biosphere 2 was originally designed to investigate if life could be re-created, especially on other planets like Mars. The Species Survival Plan (SSP) was created by zoo directors in the late eighties to help protect endangered species and because so many people were aware of it, it has ended up helping many endangered species thrive again so they are no longer endangered. Once the vultures declined, feral dog and rat populations filled the void and took over the dumps. Researches have calculated about 3,879 different types of animals that are critically endangered. Apart from cultural advantages, protection of endangered species is vital for scientific value. Youll learn more about conservation in a real-life context, and experience the challenges involved in conservation up close. In 2021, 451 rhinos were poached in South Africa. Everything in the nature has a reason to be there. In addition, the Chinese Government clarified a law in 2014 that had been passed many years ago, but again was never enforced. But if the age-old argument of saving nature for the sake of nature is not convincing enough, we should perhaps care about endangered species simply because our well-being depends on them. And the Greek shoreline serves as one of the largest loggerhead breeding grounds in the world. They also attract tourists. By clicking "Enquire or Request a callback" below, I have read and accepted GVI's Privacy Policy. But extinctions are natural, as evidenced by countless species known only from fossils and museum specimens. In the year 2002, there were less than 570 of them. Wildlife conservation refers to the practice of protecting wild species and their habitats in order to maintain healthy wildlife species or populations and to restore, protect or enhance natural ecosystems.Major threats to wildlife include habitat destruction, degradation, fragmentation, overexploitation, poaching, pollution and climate change.The IUCN estimates that 27,000 species of the ones. This example was written and submitted by a fellow student. The bill has a 41% prognosis or chance of being passed. They are the first signal of serious environmental issues. Dama Gazelle - The Dama Gazelle originates from Africa. Rhinos are known as megaherbivores very large animals that only eat plants. Chat with professional writers to choose the paper writer that suits you best. But the experiment quickly failed. These relations can be used to guarantee new crops will develop in the future. These practical skills will boost your resume for a career in sustainable development. I can help you save hours on your homework. Endangered Species: White Rhinoceros or Ceratotherium Simum, The Endangered Species Act: Protector of Nature. The most important reason for their extinction is the destruction of their habitats. It goes without saying that clean air and water improves our quality of life, and fertile land for agriculture ensures that we can produce enough food for consumption. In fact, the past five mass extinctions occurring over an average cycle of 26 million years have wiped out entire families of animals and plants, including the dinosaurs. The Chinese Wildlife Protection Law was enacted in 1989. In order to save endangered species from extinction and to furthermore prevent other species from becoming endangered, countries must enforce strong laws to protect those species. Why must we protect and save animals? These horns are used in some traditional medicines or sold in illegal trade. Overhunting and habitat destruction also threaten many species. Their decline in population is due to illegal hunting, loss of habitat and from the interbreeding between them and domestic donkeys. Why you should strive to save animals. For Agriculture and Farming. They are dying quicker than people think and they need help and recognition. The decrease in their population size is largely due to elephant labour in the tourism industry, as well as deforestation of their habitats. Maintain A Healthy Backyard Habitat. One such famous group of medicinally useful trees is the yew tree, which yields an anti-cancer compound called Taxol, routinely used to treat breast and ovarian cancer. There should be a group of researchers and scientists to go to unexplored places, go through caves, jungles and rainforests.