I went to a real estate office. See, he could have took and bought him a can of shoe polish and got him a rag. Its murder. what causeHath my behavior given to your displeasure,That thus you should proceed to put me off,And take your good grace from me? Screaming at her. Then get out. . Twenty-five dollars buys you an opportunity. I always knew what the right path was. He is sternAs I am heedless and the slaves deserveTo feel a master. He spared me because he wanted me to live in shame. Except that I loved her. Its a path made of principle that leads to character. And Im already dead. New York: Brantanos, 1922. Youre good at it. I dont feel anything. And all as artificial as the Matrix itself, although, only a human mind could invent something as insipid as love. Monologue Blogger contains powerful, intense and edgy pieces for an actress and we would like to share with you 15 Powerful Female Dramatic Monologues. Its a valuable future. We have the talks. The childs side. In my fantasy world, had my mother lived, I would be extremely well-dressed. I was meant to burn there, with everything else. You must be able to see it Mr. Anderson. I kept on pushingjust like I always have where Shelby was concernedhoping shed sit up and argue with me. The only fucking person I have ever allowed to call me Judy. ELEEMOSYNARY 11. And as the crowd broke up and our team stampeded out of the school-yard, cleats clicking and scraping blue sparks on the sidewalk, I looked back once through the wire fence and saw my father still sitting on the now-empty bench. how I mean to martyr you.This one hand yet is left to cut your throats,Whilst that Lavinia tween her stumps doth holdThe basin that receives your guilty blood.You know your mother means to feast with me,And calls herself Revenge, and thinks me mad:Hark, villains! I want you to know I understand, Even though were enemies, you and I, I understand the fury that drives you. Bethink thee, sister, of our fathers fate,Abhorred, dishonored, self-convinced of sin,Blinded, himself his executioner.Think of his mother-wife (ill sorted names)Done by a noose herself had twined to deathAnd last, our hapless brethren in one day,Both in a mutual destiny involved,Self-slaughtered, both the slayer and the slain.Bethink thee, sister, we are left alone;Shall we not perish wretchedest of all,If in defiance of the law we crossA monarchs will?weak women, think of that,Not framed by nature to contend with men.Remember this too that the stronger rules;We must obey his orders, these or worse.Therefore I plead compulsion and entreatThe dead to pardon. Pray you, look not sad,Nor make replies of loathness: take the hintWhich my despair proclaims; let that be leftWhich leaves itself: to the sea-side straightway:I will possess you of that ship and treasure.Leave me, I pray, a little: pray you now:Nay, do so; for, indeed, I have lost command,Therefore I pray you: Ill see you by and by. Ah, its not the same. But I couldnt leave. I picked up a piece of glass, and I pointed it at my mom and I threatened to kill her. What have I got Harry, hmm? Then I rose back up again with a full heart and buried him in his own blood He was the only man I ever killed worth remembering. Read the play here Student Edition|Regular Edition, A monologue from the play by Frank Wedekind. You could come home tomorrow and its fine. A monologue from the play by John Webster. Not necessarily good in the sense of being able to solve lots of stuff, because Im not, but good in the sense that I stand for something. Rats were the cause of the bubonic plague, but thats some time ago. (Beat). I know, I know, were not supposed to have favorites, but still were only human. 1-minute monologues from plays for auditions and acting practice. O rage! 10 Short Dramatic Monologues for Your 90-Second Musical Theatre Audition : PerformerStuff More Good Stuff It appears that you are outside of North America. All my instruments are gone. Dont do anything you might regret. Dramatic Monologues For Girls . A time, methinks, too shortTo make a world-without-end bargain in.No, no, my lord, your grace is perjured much,Full of dear guiltiness; and therefore this:If for my love, as there is no such cause,You will do aught, this shall you do for me:Your oath I will not trust; but go with speedTo some forlorn and naked hermitage,Remote from all the pleasures of the world;There stay until the twelve celestial signsHave brought about the annual reckoning.If this austere insociable lifeChange not your offer made in heat of blood;If frosts and fasts, hard lodging and thin weedsNip not the gaudy blossoms of your love,But that it bear this trial and last love;Then, at the expiration of the year,Come challenge me, challenge me by these deserts,And, by this virgin palm now kissing thineI will be thine; and till that instant shutMy woeful self up in a mourning house,Raining the tears of lamentationFor the remembrance of my fathers death.If this thou do deny, let our hands part,Neither entitled in the others heart. Now, youre right when you say my father was no business man. Ed. admits] no man without honor, and thy jealous pride, by this foul [lit. Dramatic Monologue for Adult Male. I see with sorrow that love compels me to utter sighs for that [object] which [as a princess] I must disdain. Dramatic Monologues Actor, writer, and Backstage Expert Mallory Fuccella knows the importance of finding a dramatic monologue with the correct tone, and she's here to help. Female Theatre Monologues for Teens Dry Land (Ruby Rae Speigel) Ester: I've been sleeping in my swimsuit. I fed her at my own breast even though they told me to give her to the wet nurse. The power-hungry Lady Macbeth will not be ignored. And if there are any irregularities to be found, rest assured they will be. LOVE, LOSS, AND WHAT I WORE 2. Then the death of my son in a car accident, the murder of my husband, then alcoholism, depression, grief, and every death leading up to this trial. . I got no one to care for. No, I dont never sleep too much. London: George Bell & Sons, 1898. Female Monologues from Plays Male Monologues from Plays Teen Monologues from Plays 1 2 3 14 All Monologues Boy On Black Top Road 5. I mean hes an only child, hes got Alex around all the time, a lotta kids dont have that, not to mention, you know, his own playroom. Illusions, Mr. Anderson. So thats what I did. Dont stare too long. A monologue from the screenplay by Mario Puzo & Francis Ford Coppola. sighs] must my heart prepare itself, if, after such a long, painful struggle. Protagonist - Tommy But if one were to determine what attributes the Jews share with a beast, it would be that of the rat. x\[sr~wLIX ledOvy-sCSgDsx_8} g53#Z(fojv?[/o>q2I4TVu[M}Z0Jkv ~as~`mJ0&GBVBSt\,b{|7svp~W-X+8%9YIe/,jZ0|v=G%MV]]&=6^gEd 7]gl4vD*^1K 18yO=}.:6]V%lp4xg! Mostly I worry about food. What have I got, Harry? That it should come to this!But two months dead: nay, not so much, not two:So excellent a king; that was, to this,Hyperion to a satyr; so loving to my motherThat he might not beteem the winds of heavenVisit her face too roughly. The candy man gonna get him a bigger wagon and another five pound of sugar. Im trying to move beyond it, sometimes I even think I have, but mostly Im not a very good human being. Im back. Why did you come almost close enoughand no closer? He gave his life to that store. Dont let them see your tears, he told me. A monologue from the play by Daniel Pearle. NOTE: This monologue is reprinted from Plays by August Strindberg, v. 1. Suddenly, you find your whole days blending together to create one endless and suffocating loop. You know, I guess Ive been heart-broken too many times. Go anywhere you want. They are so much the more dangerous in that they, in their bitter wrath, use against us those weapons which men revere; and their anger, which everybody lauds, assassinates us with a consecrated weapon. while I wore it yet, thou sawst me mockedThere at my home by each malicious mouthTo all and each, an undivided scorn.The name alike and fate of witch and cheatWoe, poverty, and famineall I bore;And at this last the god hath brought me hereInto deaths toils, and what his love had made,His hate unmakes me now: and I shall standNot now before the altar of my home,But me a slaughter-house and block of bloodShall see hewn down, a reeking sacrifice.Yet shall the gods have heed of me who die,For by their will shall one requite my doom.He, to avenge his fathers blood outpoured,Shall smite and slay with matricidal hand.Ay, he shall cometho far away he roam,A banished wanderer in a strangers landTo crown his kindreds edifice of ill,Called home to vengeance by his fathers fall:Thus have the high gods sworn, and shall fulfil.And now why mourn I, tarrying on earth,Since first mine Ilion has found its fateAnd I beheld, and those who won the wallPass to such issue as the gods ordain?I too will pass and like them dare to die! Not a carpenter. Alex thinks maybe we give in too much. I yell: Hey there get out of here! And they turn on me with their axes I warn them to stand back, or Id shoot and as I speak, I keep on covering them with my gun, first on the one. That wasnt good enough . Shes so beautiful. Stealing from my mom. Theres these moments that shape our lives, moments you have no control over. Yet, theyre both rodents, are they not? and perhaps for it I will be butchered in my bed some night by the servants of empire . (scoffs) That is some unforgivable shit. There are too many such mean hypocrites in the world; but from them the truly pious are easy to distinguish. Idle old man,That still would manage those authoritiesThat he hath given away! Lawrence Harbison has selected 100 terric monologues for men from contemporary plays, all by characters between the ages of 18 and 35 perfect for auditions or class. I could be as good or as bad as I felt like being. BidOur priest prepare us honey, milk, and poppy,His masculine odours, and night-vestments. That was just a week before, but when I saw you seeing him, in his leather jacket, I could tell you were And I wish I were that person. I know that. You always had a way of seeing through me. You know what it said? Theatre in New York City, opening on April 24, 2009."--P. [4]. PCe_\,~FJ mn6XJ6Y="R&] g&ydK^<8rm]?jz/{%kTZu$r"8mVcds lRdw7xFr %(+$ Nq@A{QXR3Md E*@dPR]~IVthdGuq=n*^#_Ij@o^FqvRN`Un{&~ #UKXX7H??>/KkM%x:4]:wF) Qx/okAMh; Sk1uq0 e? The hair goes, and the waist. What then? 2 0 obj Look at myself No smiling man ever comes here; nothing is to be seen here but angry glances, snarling lips, clenched fists And everybody pours his anger, his envy, his suspicions, upon me. and would purchase honour and reputation at the cost of hypocritical looks and affected groans; who, seized with strange ardour, make use of the next world to secure their fortune in this; who, with great affectation and many prayers. And I decided on that day that I was Undine Barnes, who bore no relationship to those people. take up piano; Im taking piano. But I chose to find out.. And I say to them, You should have asked for bread straight away!, And they say: We got tired of asking you beg and beg and nobody gives you a crumb it hurts! So they stayed with me all that winter one of them, Stepan, would take my gun and go shooting in the forest .