Scripturally-based, crowd-sourced, and curated set of resources for worship planners and leaders. Hour by hour I place my days in your hand, safe from those who would harm me. Each week, youll find that Sundays Lectionary texts and Sermon Seeds, a reflection on the focus text from theSeasons of the Spiritcurriculum. Information about AV equipment in each room is available in the system. Resource Booker, replacing 'Web Room Bookings', is a web application allowing UCC staff & students to make ad-hoc room bookings. Beloved people of God. Contact Aidan Spencer. Produced by Discipleship Ministries and United Methodist Communications for use on Heritage Sunday 2020, it is also appropriate to use for virtual worship celebrations of Pentecost, Trinity Sunday and confirmation. Teach us to honor and celebrate their gifts and help us to create a world in which gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and nonbinary teenagers and adults are loved, accepted and celebrated, in every gathering and every congregation. You declared from the beginning that we were created in your image, a reflection of what is holy, each, in our own way, a glimpse of you. For the ones who lay down their lives for their friends. Throughout your history with your people, you have reminded us that those whom the world sees as the least are the greatest in your eyes. (Enfleshed), Prayer of Confession Loving God, in your wisdom, you created a world rich with diversity. For connection. And so we dare to proclaim, with pride and faith, our truths: ALL: We believe in the power of love. May the Spirit guide us all to a place of love, a place of full affirmation. We name that many of us wondered if you too had rejected us. All Rights Reserved. We are Gods chosenwho like Moses were not meant to be born, not meant to exist, but do. Fill yourself with affirmation and love for yourself. All Belong Here The Many ( This resource may be used in whole or adapted based on your local traditions. (MK, 2020), One: We come today, representing all the majesty of creationALL: Diverse and beautiful, blessed and beloved, all made in the image of the Creator of all things.One: We come today, called to this time and this place by an infinite GodALL: Who hears our cries and responds with love and mercy.One: We come today, Transgender, Nonbinary, Bisexual, Two-Spirit, Lesbian, Intersex, Gay, Queer, AllyALL: We come today, knowing you will listen and answer our needs.One: We come today, to deliver our joined prayers of hope. Out of the places we hide Out of insecurity Out of shame Out from under that which silences love and justice. (KFR, 2020, inspired by Psalm 89), Holy One of Blessing, eternally we co-create ourselves in your love.All companionship orientations;All gender identities and expressions;All ways of having family.We celebrate LGBTQ+ peoples everywhereKnowing that many are still not safe to come out;To be free;To live life abundantly.Heal all who are ill in body, mind, heart or spirit.Bind up all wounds and provide adequate care.Extinguish any stigma people are enduring.We celebrate because everyone should be celebrated.We are your body on earth.May our love and hope be sent on the wings of this prayerTo all who need refreshing, affirmation, and loves embrace.May it be so. Why doesa room appear as 'Unavailable'? A Just World for AllUCC Identity & ResourcesUCC Yearbook and Directory, Access UCCBe the ChurchJustice & Witness MinistriesApparelJewelryGiftsBanners & PostersButtons - Justice & Witness Ministries. 5. In your name, we pledge to go out to share these blessings with the world. God chose every single one of us. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. We pause to remember the basic gifts of water, of trees, of beauty, of the land we gather upon. (KFR, 2020), We are all one human family. The United Church of Canada. To live into Gods extravagant welcome and advocate for justice. The work of the people of God continues Sunday by Sunday and throughout the year. A life in the unity of the Trinity is one of being shaped and sent daily in the image and in the purpose of Holy Love. A four year process for preaching on Sacred Scripture, developed by African-American scripture scholars, preachers, and liturgists. 1300 E. 9th Street, Suite 1100 (MK, 2020), Based on We are Descendants by Lavon BaylorWe are descendants of your righteous ones,Those who obeyed, you Beloved children,Greeting your covenant with joyous praiseThrough fearful nights and problem laden days. When we follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit within ourselves, we can embrace a divine community of creativity and love that can propel us into a fight for justice, free from hatred and unnecessary violence towards others, each other, and ourselves. These resources come from all settings of the UCC; they are written by pastors, educators, musicians and covenanted ministry staff members. Worship Information Reviewsare requested each year for those with UCC ministerial standing as part of requirement for good standing. Despite the abundance of life around us, we still turn to destruction. But we cannot forget that in love, your child came to be different, to overcome that fear, to be everything the world would reject. Since the very beginnings of your Church, we have struggled to overcome our fear-based rejection of difference. We pray in gratitude for all that nourishes and sustains us. Responding to recent gun violence, Pastor Mitchell Young offered this Prayer for Monterey Park Shooting Victims. Cleveland, Ohio 44114. Our gratitude abounds. We come. Here are some tips to help you get started. Generosity / Stewardship - 2023 Stewardship Theme Materials | "Because of You, Our Church Changes Lives" from $6.00 $49.99. United Church of Canada - Gathering Worship. One: Im leaping and singing in the circle of your love; you saw my pain, you disarmed my tormentors, When I was bullied and rejected, you gave me room to breathe. Prayer after CommunionALL: God of abundance, we give you thanks for the grace we experience at your Table. We must do our best to rediscover our transgender histories, cosmologies, myths, and stories. Whenever we partake, we are sharing with fellow believers around . Worship Resource: Advent Wreath Liturgy 2020 (inspired by UCC Book of Worship Advent wreath readings 2020 Advent Wreath week 1: Hope Introductory Sentences Today is the beginning of Advent-the preparation time for celebrating Christ's birth. ALL: God, hear our prayers. Amen. (Lavon Baylor, 2014; edits by KFR, 2020), God, we come before you in these mortal bodies,Pledging that we will become instruments of peace, love and hope.Christ called us to serve as disciples to all nations, to all people.We commit to serving without fear, learning how to serve as Jesus served,Seeing the beloved-ness of your people, people set free from sin through the sacrifice of the Cross.Let us be instruments to glorify you, O God. We must write the stories of our trans elders and trans visions of a trans past. For the freedom we have in Christ. At times, we turn away from this diversity, fearful of its transformative power. Enter into the baptismal waters of the Jordan River with John the Baptist as Jesus shows up alongside the Voice and the Spirit. The church was founded in a purpose that is grounded in embrace, liberation, resistance, and community. 1300 E. 9th Street, Suite 1100 You also find ideas for your worship leaders, ushers and others who support your worship ministry. A list of people interested in serving as guest preachers for UCC churches. How shall we ready ourselves and participate in the coming of Christ in the world? Working together, we are excited to grow with you. How do I ensure the room I book is accessible? Resource Booker is a once-off booking system and does not let you see other bookings which is why the room appears as unavailable. Instead, too often, it has enacted spiritual violence on children and adults alike. The Holy Spirit is that which can transform our deepest anger, sadness, and loneliness into something new. Jesus Christ, lover of all, ALL: bring healing, bring peace. Learn more and join a Community of Practice today! Blessed is our love. Lead us, and guide us with your steadfast love, that we might channel your gifts to all we meet. For one time events, visit our calendar and look under the Continuing Education category to filter events. We pause now for a moment to allow you to silently or vocally offer your own prayers. A Community of Practice is a structured, facilitated small group of colleagues meeting regularly for mutual support, accountability, and learning. Manuscripts of sermons are also available on their site. Jesus Christ, lover of all, ALL: bring healing, bring peace. Cleveland, Ohio 44114, The longest season of the liturgical calendar are filled with Sundays called Ordinary Time. It begins with Trinity Sunday and ends with the Reign of Christ. University College Cork is a registered charity with the Charities Regulatory Authority, Sustainable Development Goals in UCC Research, Centre for Continuing Professional Development, Deep Retrofit of the Enterprise Centre, North Mall Campus. Find trans organizations, trans friends, trans instagram accounts to follow. Zion's UCC POTTSTOWN Zion's United Church of Christ welcomes all to a joint worship service on March 5 at Trinity United Church of Christ, 60 N. Hanover St., at 9:30 am. Hear our prayers and deepen our willingness to show up with and for one another, sharing in each others burdens and working to protect and care for one another. Rooms are available for booking between 8am and 10pm each day. The Working Preacher site offers an introduction to the Narrative Lectionary, sermon preparation, and worship service planning preparation. We have, at times, sided with political and religious powers that refuse to recognize your image in all people. This day, when people are angry and hurtful, give us forgiveness to offer. (Revised from Religious Institute), Continue to serve with faith and love,Depart from this time today committed to sharing the best of yourself,Through generosity of time and resources,Meeting the needs of others, both spoken and unspoken, seen and unseen, heard and unheardAs the God of healing has healed us,Let us go now and share that compassion with the world,Let us go and greet our beloved transgender, bisexual, lesbian, and gay siblings,Our Black, Latinx, Indigenous, siblings,Sharing the good news that they are seen, they are heard, they are Beloved. I'll be working on updating these and finding new resources. The longest season of the liturgical calendar is filled with Sundays called Ordinary Time. It begins with Trinity Sunday and ends with the Reign of Christ. Season after Epiphany/Temporada despus de la Epifana, Season after Pentecost, part 1/Temporada despus de Pentecosts, primero parte, Season after Pentecost, part 2/Temporada despus de Pentecosts, segundo parte. 06 de enero del 2023, Epiphany 1A January 8 {Baptism Renewal}, Living Psalm 40:1-11 Martin Luther King, Jr. Remembrance, Health and Human Service Sunday January 29, Racial Justice Sunday February 12 (Join the Movement Worship Resources), Transfiguration Sunday Year A February 19, Christmas Collects and Benediction December 24/25, New Years Eve or Day December 31-January 1, Service Prayers for the First Sunday of Advent Year B, 11.29.20, Service Prayers for the Second Sunday of Advent Year B, 12.6.20, Service Prayers for the Third Sunday of Advent Year B, 12.13.20, Service Prayers for the Fourth Sunday of Advent Year B, 12.20.20, Christmas 1 or 2December 27, 2020 or January 3, 2021, Watchnight serviceDecember 31, 2020 Year B, Lights Wisdom: Service Prayers for the Festival of Epiphany Year B, January 6, 2021, Baptism of Christ Epiphany 1 Year B, January 10, 2021>, Revealed to Us Epiphany 2 Year B, January 17, 2021, Reluctant Evangelists Epiphany 3 Year B, January 24, 2021, Holy, Whole One Epiphany 4 Year B, January 31, 2021, The Delightful Lightness of Being in Light Epiphany 5 Year B, February 7, 2021, Transfiguration Sunday Year B, February 14, 2021, Health and Human Services Sunday January 31, Prayer of Protection from the Celtic Tradition. Amen. Advent Unwrapped (Collaboration with the United Church of Canada) Like a tapestry, we are created with diverse and beautiful threads that only fully shine when they are braided together in creation. The Sacrament of Holy Communion is a taste of the Kin-dom of God. In stressful lives and a world in turmoil, Morning Prayer will reconnect you with God. develop a service of witness for marriage equality or LGBT civil rights. In the Make a Booking screen in Resource Booker - If you want further details about an available room, click on the information icon which appears after each room name. Amen. For the earth that groans beneath us. Visit the United Church Bookstore. The power and glory of the resurrection forges forth a new way of being. FESTIVALS/SPECIAL DAYS (includes Creation). It has been crafted and offered by Conference Ministers from across the country, including our own Marilyn Kendrix. As trans people, we know the love of God. Iowa ConferenceNebraska ConferenceSouth Dakota ConferenceOur CommitmentsFind a ChurchNew to the Conferences? UCC Resources The UCC provides a set of Guides to Pastoral Search and Call, including this downloadable Notes for the Intentional Interim Minister. On this page you will find recorded resources for worship, some services in their entirety and some just parts. Worship Resources from Global Ministries Youth and Children Resources from Global Ministries Family and Children's Ministries Baptism Certificates Reconciliation Ministry (various) Pastoral/Leadership Grants & Scholarships History Ecumenical Financial Publications Additional Resources Find a Disciples congregation near you. Learn More Spiritual Directors Find a Spiritual Director to help you process experiences and grow in your faith, ministry, and leadership. 2024 UCC Desk Calendar and Plan Book $20.00. For the allies who suffered beside us, casting their lot with us in true solidarity. Office of the General Minister & President, The Council for Health and Human Services Ministries, Statement of Faith of the United Church of Christ La Declaracin de Fe de la Iglesia Unida de Cristo, Center for Analytics, Research & Development and Data (CARDD), About The Center for Analytics, Research & Development, and Data (CARDD). Find resources for your weekly services including liturgy, music suggestions, prayers and sermon starters as well as ideas for special services and those in settings outside the church. CommunionOne: The Holy One be with youALL: And also with youOne: Open your hearts to the One who is LoveALL: We open our hearts to you, O GodOne: Let us give thanks to God who shapes our worldALL: For every creature and creation, we give you thanks, O God! (KFR, 2020), 3: Wakantanka Taku Nitawa (Many and Great, O God, Are Your Works)11: Bring Many Names28: For the Beauty of the Earth30. One: I throw myself on you: you are my God! The Trans Seminarian Leadership Cohort is a 5 year old collaborative program of the National LGBTQ Task Force, the Freedom Center for Social Justice in Charlotte, NC and the Center for LGBTQ and Gender Studies in Religion at the Pacific School of Religion, Together A Prayer for 2020 Transgender Day of Remembrance in a Pandemic by The Rev. We move from concentrating on the event of Christ in the world and shift to the impact of being in Christ in the world. Office of Public Policy & Advocacy in Washington D.C. Love of the world. Upcoming Liturgical Dates. For questions regarding Worship Ways, please contact Rev. We are international and broadly ecumenical, committed to the work of anti-racism, and open to and affirming of LGBTQIA+ people. As we remember the violenceThat has destroyed so many lives Of people who you call Beloved,Grant us the strength and resolveTo look upon this great painIn reverence and sobriety,Without turning awayOr denying the realityOf this terror. For your steadfast love endures all things. The Christmas season lifts up the baby Jesus in many ways through many names. We make violence tremble by being peacemakers. More inspiring worship ideas can be found on We reject that which is different, force it to be silent, or pretend that it does not exist. Amen. Worship Ways. Perhaps the most indicative and faithful to the season of Christmas is Emmanuel (God With Us). We praise the works of your creative hand that fills our life with beauty. In your love you created us. Write, paint, photograph, sing, dance, pray, celebrate, love, gather, protest, and speak your truth. Be prepared and committed to witness, testify, and demonstrate the realization of the kindom. This is the archive of older weekly worship resources emails. All prices USD. ALL: Our sexual and gender diversity enriches us, creates joy in our lives. My planned remake of the Textweek site did not materialize. ALL: You are mother, father, and parent. So many lies have been spread about God. ALL: Thanks be to God! Help us to open our hearts to the world that you love. Worship Ways; Sermon Seeds; Synod 33 Worship Videos; Music and Liturgical Arts; Stewardship & Generosity Resources; Ministerial Excellence, Support & Authorization (MESA) History, Polity, and Theology; Search and Call; Ministerial Profiles; Ministry Opportunities; Manual on Ministry; Column. Check out the list below for a variety of ongoing continuing education opportunities. You give us strength to go on when we are troubled and discouraged. Our ways of knowing God within us are through body, through movement, through being in community with one another. It is the darkness that shelters us and keeps us safe. At the end, the submit button forwards this information review to the conference office, the correct COM chair, and to the preferred email address used on this form. Amen. A document to help foster healthy behaviors and relationships in congregations. Free material for developing your worship services, prayers, and more. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Others choose names based on the meaning of the name itself. We recommend that the congregation stands (as they are able) to recite together the words of your Open and Affirming Covenant as an act of faith and recommitment following the sermon. Amen.